More specifically, it tabulates the operations in the order they happen during the execution of the loop as shown in Figure~effig:ravic. The table is displayed alongside the program. The current line of code being executed is highlighted while the table information is updated. At the end of...
摘要: 有关李杲阴火证治的讨论,是近数十年中医学研究领域里的一个重要课题。学者们围绕着阴火机理、内伤热中证表现以及甘温除大热的临床应用等进行了深入的阐述,然迄犹聚关键词:阴火 病证 内伤发热 诊断 DOI: CNKI:SUN:ZZYZ.0.1991-07-008 年份: 1991 ...
作者: 栀子花开 摘要: 先说说盐蒸橙子的做法,一个橙子,一点盐.首先把橙子洗干净后放在盐水中浸泡15-20分钟,去除橙子表面的果蜡.橙子不用剥皮,在顶部平切开一片,往露出的果肉上撒少许盐,再用筷子在果肉上戳几个洞,以便于盐渗进果肉.把切开的那片橙子重新盖好,放进碗里,再变回一个完整的橙子.碗里不用加水...