Steam > steamapps > common > VRising > VRising_Server > VRisingServer_Data > StreamingAssets > Settings. You can open this file with Notepad (or even better, Notepad++ as it will provide a better overview) and change whatever you want.Please note that you should restart your server for ...
Once your V Rising dedicated server is up and running, you can configure it according to your needs. The config changes are kept in a file called ‘ServerHostSettings.json’ in which there are the following settings: { “Name” : “My V Rising Server”, “Description” : “This is a ...
进入配置文件地址VRisingServer_Data\StreamingAssets\Settings,有这几个文件: 配置文件 代码语言:shell 复制 - adminlist.txt# 管理员列表- banlist.txt# 禁用用户- ServerGameSettings.json# 服务器设置- ServerHostSettings.json# 服务器游戏设置 这里说明一下: ServerHostSettings ServerHostSettings的设置属性如下: ...
V RISING 超..物品和装备Give (what, amount) - 刷物品Giveset (what) - 刷套装Changedurability - 改耐久探险和传送相关Addtime - 增加小时,改变游戏时间
ManageV-Risinginstance and click on console tab. Clickupdatebutton in console tab then clickstartonce update is done. Actions taken to resolve so far: Clean VPS Server reinstalled Clean AMP instance reinstalled Open change ports used by V-rising ...
Rent your ownV Rising servernow. Prepaid and in the Gamecloud. This means that you don't have to sign a contract and can switch between the different games in our Gamecloud at any time. You don't feel like playing V Rising right now? Then use your slots for another game! Just switc...
- learn how to change the appearance of your vampire after starting the game. V Rising 1.0: All bosses In V Rising, you will fight against a wide range of different opponents. The most important among them will be the infected with the so-called V Blood. After defeating them, you will...
骨头,老鼠,鱼骨,变异油脂等便利获取方法 22934 vrising吧 coolinging 手动修改已创建服务器的设置(如携带资源传送、资源获取量等)服务器存档在C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\LocalLow\Stunlock Studios\VRising\Saves\v1\ 确认服务器关闭后,文本编辑ServerGameSettings.json文件后保存,重启服务器即可生效(已在私人服务...
clear alarm alarm-name命令用来清除设备上的告警。只有向AlmClrCBK表中注册了回调机制的告警才支持用此命令清除。 命令格式 clear alarm alarm-namealarmName 参数说明 参数参数说明取值 alarm-namealarmName 指定告警的名称,此告警项必须存在。 字符串形式,长度范围是1~63。如果不指定告警名称,将显示当前系统中所有...