注意如果需要开启ListOnEOS,需要安装 DirectX 和 VC++ Runtime 的...
方法如下,删除你ServerHostSettings文件内的所有参数,用下面的参数替换,经过测试修改服务器名称和存档名字后可以直接使用,其他需要调的参数你们自己研究。 如果你是的配置文件在myVrisingConfig文件夹下,注意需要放入myVrisingConfig/Settings目录下 {"AFKKickDuration":1,"AFKKickPlayerRatio":0.5,&...
steamcmd\steamapps\common\VRisingDedicatedServer\VRisingServer_Data\StreamingAssets\Settings 有两个配置文件: ServerHostSettings.json:服务器相关的配置文件,比如服务器名、服务器密码、服务器人数、是否显示在服务器列表上等等 ServerGameSettings.json:游戏内相关的配置文件,比如难度、采集倍率、家族人数 用文本文件方...
Selecting a Custom Gametype In order to make changes to a V Rising server's gameplay settings you will first need to select the Custom game settings preset in your server's control panel. Access yourcontrol panelandStopyour server. Navigate toFiles > Config Files. ClickV Rising Server Setting...
Github - trueosiris/vrising RCON - Optional To enable RCON edit ServerHostSettings.json and paste following lines after QueryPort. To communicate using RCON protocal use the RCON CLI by gorcon. "Rcon": { "Enabled": true, "Password": "docker", "Port": 25575 }, Remarks Server config file...
For the AMP community to share Generic Module templates. - AMPTemplates/v-risingconfig.json at 101a24f42ff000305cfd3e8e461db8f49e19b1e2 · CubeCoders/AMPTemplates
{"source":"SERVER","name":"Electronic Arts Display","styles":[{"style":"NORMAL","weight":"400","__typename":"FontStyleData"},{"style":"NORMAL","weight":"700","__typename":"FontStyleData"}],"assetNames":["ElectronicArtsDisplay-normal-400.ttf","ElectronicArtsDisplay-normal-700.ttf...
after deleting files on machine VHD size is not decrising All possible values of Get-VM State property All Windows VM - Virtual Disk Service start/stop every minute Allocating max. CPU Cores to VMs in Microsoft Hyper V Server 2008 R2 Alt + Tab in Hyper V Alternative to .ISO file to be...
Domino Server Tasks A few lines in NOTES.INI define which server tasks are started when the server starts up, and also which scheduled tasks are to run at various times during the day. The ServerTasks= line lists the tasks to start as the server starts up. The scheduled tasks are listed...
Table: Generic Traps Trap heap error NTP server failure real time clock failure failed password MAC address not learned by switch fabric received looped back BPDU received two consecutive confusing BPDUs on port, forcing down Severity Alert notification Error Warning Warning Error Error The device ...