Ad monitoring for telecoms We help television and streaming providers track and monitor TV advertisements. Build an accurate and effective set of analytics for leveraging the full value of advertisement streams. Learn more Integrate with AI Our technology also acts as an add-on with other types of...
The Linux foundation FFMPEG The Internet Archive (also the creators of the wayback machine) Open Street Map Inkscape Mozilla (moz://a) FreeCodeCamp Mastodon More to be listed 🪙️ Cryptocurrency donations I created my first ₿itCoin wallet on 2024, Tuesday, October 1st, as it came with...
VMware vCenter Server Foundation Centrally Managed Virtual Infrastructure Delivered with Confidence Overview Features Benefits Documentation Overview: vCenter Server: Simplified and Efficient Server Management Gain centralized visibility, simplified and efficient management at scale, and extensibility across the ...
Foundation | Pride Park F.C | Sleaford Town JFC U12 Girls | Cardiff Dragons FC | Skelmersdale United FC | AFC JUVENTUS | Whitworth Football Club | Stenhousemuir FC Community Foundation | Mersey Marauders FC | West Hallam Juniors FC | Proud Forest | Proud Sky Blues | Trowbridge Tigers FC |...
Vyradený produkt Víkend programu LEGO® Insiders sa blíži! Od 23. 11. do 24. 11. Ďalšie informácie Upozornenie! Nebezpečenstvo dusenia. Malé časti. Návod na postavenie Staňte sa členom LEGO® Insider! Ponorte sa do zábavných aktivít pre celú rodinu a vymie... This foundation gives financial assistance to choirs. The design provides a touch of formality and down-to-business simplicity. I love working with artists. Combining their creativity and my knowledge of good website structure is rewarding for both of us. austingrabish...
厂商:Scratch Foundation MD5:B6702AB8B3DBC85219AE03CE1ACDB8F2 包名:org.scratch 标签:手机编程少儿编程c++编译器少儿编程软件Scratch版本 需要网络无广告 7.8 0%0% 3322特别说明第一次现在添加新作品需要等待一会~ 详情介绍 scratch少儿编程app是一款面向青少年所推出的可视化编程应用,通过它用户们可以大胆的发挥想...
Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed underCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0(CC BY-SA 3.0) and all concepts originate fromscpwiki.comand its authors. SCP: ParadoX, being derived from this content, is hereby also released under CC BY-SA...
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自动缩放。Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)应用程序自动感知 DPI,无需 选择加入。选择加入此设置的 Windows 窗体应用程序(面向 .NET Framework 4.6)还应 在其app.config 中将 "EnableWindowsFormsHighDpiAutoResizing" 设置设置为 "true"。 将应用程序设为感知长路径。请参阅