(2)transaction(数据包):继承于uvm_sequence_item,利用随机化和相关约束约束产生随机数据,创建两个transaction对象,transaction_in在DUT输入端输入,transaction_out在DUT输出与参考模型的输出相比较。 (3)sequence类:继承于uvm_sequence,加入objection机制来控制验证平台的关闭,利用repeat( )来控制执行的次数。 (4)sequenc...
A transaction in UVM is derived from <uvm_sequence_item>, which defines the virtual methods <do_pack> and <do_unpack> that allow users to implement this conversion functionality. UVMC’s default converter for SV works for these types of transactions. These macros expand into two or more ...
So, as explained in above examples, any desired VE field can be controlled from command line itself to simulate more scenarios using same set of tests/sequences. In addition, the “uvm_cmdline_processor” class has in-built UVM aware commands for better simulation control. Following are a...
In UVM, uvm_sequence_item is used for communicating between two UVM components. Interrupt transaction is extended from this class. Code 3 shows its implementation. Code 3 Interrupt Sequence Interrupt sequence inherits all the properties of uvm_seqs and is run on the interrupt sequence...
class exp_packet extends uvm_sequence_item; rand bit[17:0] exp_addr; rand bit[3:0] data; rand bit rw;//0:write;1:read rand bit cen;//chip enable rand bit dat_vld_o; `uvm_object_utils_begin(exp_packet) `uvm_field_int(exp_addr,UVM_ALL_ON) ...