试试这个https://www.uuidgenerator.net/version4 111 minecraftpe吧 苑综合 【APP速构】uuid一键生成器又是我 1425 minecraft吧 490af64e 求助求je命令大佬解答如何设置实体uuid1.20.1版本,无论是summon还是data命令,怎么用都无法手动设置一个实体的uuid。 用damage等命令je只能选取一个实体,必须拿@s或者是实体...
This website also offers online tools to decode UUIDs, generate Minecraft UUIDs, generate timestamp-First, and more.Final Thoughts:It is another simple to use UUID generator website that anyone can use UUID codes in bulk.Home Page commentpicker.comcommentpicker.com is another free online UUID...
Source File: IDGenerator.java From sailfish-core with Apache License 2.0 4 votes public static String createId() { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); return uuid.toString(); } Example 17Source File: Relic.java From Shadbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes public Relic(UUID id...