2.在文件夹中创建名为manifest.json的文件。(注意:必须为这个名字) 3.在文件中复制文本(我的不太彳 亍没注释,要看懂看群里) 4.在包中粘贴入uuid 想不到罢,网站我也有(别问我为什么会有,问就是以前学过忘了重开()) 网站:https://www.uuidgenerator.net/ 5.虽说已经做好了,但是没用图标啊,看着非常难受。
"uuid": "14d5fb6b-ef0a-47e5-8a98-d615709c1a03",//uuid采用十六进制 "type": "data"//"data"表示该包为行为包,"resources"则表示该包为材质包 } ] } } 其中,里面有两个uuid值,这我们要填自己的,不能是一样的!!! 我推荐一个网站可以快速拥有自己的uuid https://www.uuidgenerator.net/version...
Similar to the resource pack manifest file, you will need to generate two different 'Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs)' for the header and module sections of your manifest file. You can get UUIDs from an online generator such as https://www.uuidgenerator.net/. ![Image of UUIDGenerato...
Update the first and second UUID properties to make it unique to your project. Seethis articlefor tips on working with behavior packs and creating your own unique UUIDs. Chapter 2. Let's test the parts of our project To get started, go into PowerShell and navigate to yourC:\projects...
10.设置钻石和绿宝石的资源刷新点:输入指令/bw addGenerator diamond 将脚下位置设置为钻石资源刷新点,输入指令/bw addGenerator emerald 将脚下位置设置为绿宝石资源刷新点 11.输入指令/bw save保存地图,并退出编辑模式 12.恭喜你成功配置完一张地图,但还需要最后一条指令/bw enableArena 既然你现在已经完成了设置...
Gaseous Fluids:Excludes gaseous fluids from being transferable via faucets Material Blacklist:Hides tool/bow materials in the 'Materials and You' book Offhand Shuriken:Suppresses special abilities of long swords and rapiers when shurikens are wielded in the offhand ...
Creative Mill Harvestability: Fixes the Creative Mill Generator not respecting the Creative Block Breaking config Downgrade Potion Recipes Log Level: Downgrades the message when creating a potion recipe from info to a debug Forestry Arborist Villager Trades: Adds custom emerald to germling trades to...
Hey, it looks like you copied my UUID which makes this incompatible with my addon and breaks things. Please change the UUIID in your behavior pack. You can generate YOUR own UNIQUE IDENTIFIER via uuidgenerator dot net: 🧡 1 lotusravn90079September 08, 2021 at 5:44 am ...
https://www.uuidgenerator.net/version4 这是我自己的 然后 压缩 名称随意 接下来导入 Windows1:C:\Users\帐户名称\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\behavior_packs Android:SDCard/games/com.mojang/behavior_packs ...
2.在文件夹中创建名为manifest.json的文件。(注意:必须为这个名字) 3.在文件中复制文本(我的不太彳 亍没注释,要看懂看群里) 4.在包中粘贴入uuid 想不到罢,网站我也有(别问我为什么会有,问就是以前学过忘了重开()) 网站:https://www.uuidgenerator.net/ ...