This thesis is entitled "LAW ENFORCEMENT TO THE MOTORISTS ON USING THE TELEPHONE IN DIY (Implementatif of Chapter 283 Jo. Chapter 106 article (1) Regulation No. 22 of 2009)" with the following research objectives: 1. Knowing How the implementation of Act 22 of 2009 on Highways and Transpor...
TINJAUAN YURIDIS TERHADAP PENYALAHGUNAAN NARKOTIKA DENGAN REHABILITASI BERDASARKAN UU No. 35 TAHUN 2009 TENTANG NARKOTIKA DI KOTA YOGYAKARTANarcotics rehabilitation program was a series of cooedinated and integrated efforts that comprised of medical,...
Izin Lingkungan dalam Kaitannya dengan Penegakan Administrasi Lingkungan dan Pidana Lingkungan Berdasarkan Undang-undang No. 32 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup (Uupplh) 机译:根据第16号法律执行环境管理和环境犯罪的环境许可证2009年第32号文件,涉及环境保护和管理(Uupplh) ...
PARTISIPASI PELAKU USAHA RESTORANDALAM PELESTARIAN FUNGSI LINGKUNGANMENURUT UU No. 23 TAHUN 1997DI YOGYAKARTAEnvironmental problem, of course, is a very important thing. It should be a concern of society member because it influences the preservation of...
PARTISIPASI PELAKU USAHA RESTORAN\\ud\nDALAM PELESTARIAN FUNGSI LINGKUNGAN\\ud\nMENURUT UU No. 23 TAHUN 1997\\ud\nDI YOGYAKARTAEnvironmental problem, of course, is a very important thing. It should be a\\udconcern of society member because it influences the preservation of our\\udenvironment...