针对你遇到的 error code: 1115 - unknown character set: 'utf8mb4' 错误,以下是一些可能的解决步骤,这些步骤将帮助你确认问题所在并修复它。 1. 确认MySQL版本是否支持utf8mb4字符集 首先,需要确认你的MySQL版本是否支持 utf8mb4 字符集。utf8mb4 是从MySQL 5.5.3版本开始引入的,用于完全支持Unicode字符集...
If your character set index file does not contain the name for the character set, your program displays an error message.The file is namedIndex.xmland the message is: Character set 'charset_name' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/Index...
If your character set index file does not contain the name for the character set, your program displays an error message.The file is namedIndex.xmland the message is: Character set 'charset_name' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/Index...
If your character set index file does not contain the name for the character set, your program displays an error message.The file is namedIndex.xmland the message is: Character set 'charset_name' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/Index...
错误信息:Unknown character set: 'utf8mb4' MySQL在5.5.3版本之后增加了这个utf8mb4的编码,mb4就是most bytes 4的意思,专门用来兼容四字节的unicode。其实,utf8mb4是utf8的超集,理论上原来使用utf8,然后将字符集修改为utf8mb4,也会不会对已有的utf8编码读取产生任何问题。当然,为了节省空间,一般情况下使用...
MYSQL5.5支持utf8mb4,MYSQL5.1并不支持“utf8mb4”。 当连接数据库时 , 如果指定了utf8mb4 , 那么会出现的错误代码为: Error 1115: Unknown character set: 'utf8mb4' 会出现utf8mb4不兼容的情况。 所以如果想使用utf8mb4存储表情emoji字符 , 请尽快升级 ...
版本信息 应用版本/分支:Release v1.7.7 部署方式:Docker 在SQL上线里面提交sql检测报:inception_magic_start 上线的SQL数据库是5.7以下,请问要怎么解决呢tiger0526 added the question label Mar 4, 2020 Owner hhyo commented Mar 5, 2020 goinception有一个配置选项可以指定默认连接字符集,可自行调整 Author ...
MYSQL5.5支持utf8mb4,MYSQL5.1并不支持“utf8mb4”。 当连接数据库时 , 如果指定了utf8mb4 , 那么会出现的错误代码为: Error 1115: Unknown character set: 'utf8mb4' 会出现utf8mb4不兼容的情况。 所以如果想使用utf8mb4存储表情emoji字符 , 请尽快升级...
/usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: Character set 'utf8mb4' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the '/usr/local/mysql/share/mysql/charsets/Index.xml' file 120716 23:01:44 [ERROR] Aborting 120716 23:01:44 [Note] /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown complete ...
1.这个问题是在mysql的配置文件my.cnf没有加character-set-server=utf8mb4,utf8 # vim /etc/my.cnf 命令打开配置文件 在这个配置文件里加入这句话 但是加了这句话后报错 Starting MySQL. ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/var/lib/mysql/localhost.localdomain.pid). ...