admin:/>change file_system general file_system_id=0 capacity_threshold=50 name=fs003 owner_controller=0B io_priority=Middle snapshot_reserve=20 timing_snapshot_max_number=20 character_set=0 VAAI_switch=On WARNING: You are about to modify the file system. This operation may cause the followi...
character-set-client-handshake = FALSE character-set-server = utf8mb4 collation-server = utf8mb4_bin init_connect='SET NAMES utf8mb4' # Remove leading # and set to the amount of RAM for the most important data # cache in MySQL. Start at 70% of total RAM for dedicated server, else...
CLOB: The character set is UTF8MB4. RAW: RAW data is stored in binary format regardless of the character set. The following table describes the conversion between character data types. Data typeTo CHARTo VARCHAR and VARCHAR2To NCHARTo NVARCHAR2To BLOBTo CLOBTo RAW CHAR Supported Supported Su...
For example, you may need to change the character set from GBK to UTF8mb4. However, an ALTER statement that is used to change the character set of a large table will lock the table and cause negative impacts on your business. This topic describes how to change the character set ...
# Value => 'utf8mb4', # Variable_name => 'character_set_server' # }, # { # Value => 'utf8mb3', # Variable_name => 'character_set_system' # }, # { # Value => '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/', # Variable_name => 'character_sets_dir' ...
Names containing two consecutive Unicode prime characters (′′) have been changed to a single Unicode double-prime character (″) instead. The search box now converts one or two apostrophe (') characters to a single prime or double prime character, respectively. 2017-06-25 Big thanks to rea...
UI: Favorite history control: Added support for backspace to remove the last typed character Corrected case conversion (upper/lower) of non-ASCII characters Version 10.0.2908 2021-08-20 Windows 11: Addressed an issue where the columns in the shell items view could no longer be resized ...
{System.OperationCanceledException: The operation was canceled. Exception @foreach (var item in Model), Object reference not set to an instance of an object. %2520 in navigateURL preventing navigate to image on network share %2c to comma, how do I prevent the browser from converting? tag ...
As a result, some character set mappings are different for double-byte character string (DBCS) encoding when using CCSID 935. For more information, see Updating the z/OS Connect Java runtime version. z/OS Connect Documentation Enhancements The documentation that describes how to obtain a JWT ...
- Truncate lenght of Origin display and extend strin value display to 80 character - bugfix in Smarty_Security 'nl2br' should be a trusted modifier, not PHP function ( issue 223)12.05.2015 - bugfix {$smarty.constant.TEST} did fail on undefined constant