This Rule Book is divided into two Chapters. Chapter One is a compilation of the Rules and Regulations of The United States Trotting Association; Chapter Two consists of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association. Since it is anticipated that in most instances the user of this ...
The Official Handbook of Tennis Rules and Regulations (including The Code), Friend At Court is an essential piece of equipment for every tennis player. The latest edition is now available, and includes the most recent Rules, Regulations and Code changes. The cost to purchase Friend At Court fr...
0.02Allplayers,teamsandLocalLeaguesmustabidebyUSTALeagueTennis,USTASouthern TennisandUSTASCRulesandRegulations. 0.03LocalLeaguesmaywriteregulationstogovernlocalplay.USTALeagueRegulations,USTA SouthernTennisRegulationsandUSTASCStateRegulationstakeprecedenceoverLocalLeague ...
e select the higher rating to avoid being disqualified and penalized. I f you f eel the ratin g is too low, you may select a higher rating. Please keep in mind you cannot f urther adjust your ratin g down after being granted the higher rating.· If you STRONGLY believe the assigne...
Code of Conduct The ITF Junior Circuit Code of Conduct can be found in Appendix D of the regulations: Q. How does the Junior Circuit Code of Conduct work? A. A player that commits an offence (an entry offence or an on...
Summary Chart The following table provides a summary of the event participation rules detailed in sub- Sections 2 and 3 above. Note that Premier Mandatory Tournaments and Grand Slam events are mandatory play events, which may impose additional regulations and/or restrictions on players subject to ...
This Rule Book is divided into two Chapters. Chapter One is a compilation of the Rules and Regulations of The United States Trotting Association; Chapter Two consists of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association. Since it is anticipated that in most instances the user of this...