The Rules of Tennis The Official Handbook of Tennis Rules and Regulations (including The Code), Friend At Court is an essential piece of equipment for every tennis player. The latest edition is now available, and includes the most recent Rules, Regulations and Code changes. The cost to purchas...
0.02Allplayers,teamsandLocalLeaguesmustabidebyUSTALeagueTennis,USTASouthern TennisandUSTASCRulesandRegulations. 0.03LocalLeaguesmaywriteregulationstogovernlocalplay.USTALeagueRegulations,USTA SouthernTennisRegulationsandUSTASCStateRegulationstakeprecedenceoverLocalLeague ...
e select the higher rating to avoid being disqualified and penalized. I f you f eel the ratin g is too low, you may select a higher rating. Please keep in mind you cannot f urther adjust your ratin g down after being granted the higher rating.· If you STRONGLY believe the assigne...
USTA explains new rules for younger players; Revised specifications make it easier for small kids to play the game, say tennis leaders.JOSEPH LUCIANO
tournament, please click the link below to access a Grievance Form. Complete the form and submit it to the Sportsmanship and Grievance Committee. Grievances may include violations of SoCal regulations, standards of conduct, fair play, or good sportsmanship. Anonymous grievances will not be accepted....
Code of Conduct The ITF Junior Circuit Code of Conduct can be found in Appendix D of the regulations: Q. How does the Junior Circuit Code of Conduct work? A. A player that commits an offence (an entry offence or an on...
d. Olympic Participation The Age Eligibility Restrictions with respect to the Women's Tennis Competition will be detailed in the 2016 WTA Tour Age Eligibility Rule and the ITF Olympic Tennis Event 2016 Regulations. e. Exhibition/Non-WTA Events There are no age-based restrictions on a player's ...
New rules in play for USTA season; Smaller tennis court, racquets for players 10 and younger.JOSEPH LUCIANO