Fill out the PS Form 3575 found inside the packet, and give it to the retail associate. They will use your photo ID to verify your identity, then process your change of address request. Visit Change of Address FAQs Change of Address Exceptions & Details (DMM 507.2.0) ...
1Complete PS Form 3575 Complete PS Form 3575. Register your new address with the United States Postal Service (USPS) by filing the change of address form. You can register online or by telephone for a $1 fee, or register for free by completing a change of address form and delivering it...
In Person:File a PS Form 3575 in person at your local post office. This is free. You will no longer be able to print out this form at home to take to your post office. So if you pursue this option, you must obtain the form directly from your local post office. Both methods requir...
The USPS allows you to submit a change of address request as soon as30 days before the move date and no later than 90 days afteryou're at the new address. Whether you choose to do this online or in person, you'll use the USPS mover's guide. This includesPS Form 3575, which asks ...