“Address Service Requested” OPTION 11 If no change-of-address order on file: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (no charge). If change-of-address order on file: Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded (no charge); separate notice of new address provided (address correction...
To redirect mail to the intended recipient’s new delivery address in cases where PS Form 3575, Change of Address Order, or other written or personal notice has been filed with the local Post Office. Also see Address Change Service (ACS), address correction service, and ancillary service....
address correction service any class of mail - address corrrection fee charged 1968 dls 2004 dls began 2/68; around 1996 began to be sent as photocopes of the item forwarded 3547s notice to sender of forwarded mail same form in sheets of 5 1945 asw 1961 asw in 12/1/58, not in 1/...
Local governments also extended and improved their existing highways to help the new mail service called rural free delivery (RFD). The most celebrated form of mail delivery was the Pony Express. The Pony Express and Eventual Reform A Pony Express rider crosses hostile country between St. ...