●中号和大号 Priority Mail International Flat Rate(统一邮资)包装盒的最大重量是 20 磅。(3)USPS PresortUSPS Presort是PostPony邮差小马联合UPS和USPS推出的,适合邮寄小包裹的专线,美国境内由UPS揽收,将包裹送至USPS Presort中转仓,进行分拣之后,由USPS承运至中国。自行投递需去UPS门店投递,或者去USPS Presort中转...
Letters that exceed the First-Class standard envelope maximum length, height, or thickness are charged large envelope (flat) prices. Large Envelopes (flats) Treated as Small Packages Large First-Class envelopes (flats) that exceed maximum dimensions or are rigid, non-rectangular, or not uniformly ...
Value-priced shipping with options for Flat Rate pricing or pricing by weight. Priority Mail International® You have a package that weighs over 4 lbs. From$30.90 6–10 business days2 First-Class Package International Service® You have a package (or large envelope over 1 lb) that contains...
Flat Rate2021 Commercial Rates2022 Commercial RatesPrice Increase Flat Rate Envelopes $7.40 $7.75 $0.35 Legal Flat Rate Envelope $7.70 $8.05 $0.35 Padded Flat Rate Envelope $8.00 $8.45 $0.45 Small Flat Rate Box $7.90 $8.25 $0.35 Medium Flat Rate Boxes $13.75 $14.25 $0.50 Large Flat Rate ...
USPS运单上通常不会显示区域标识。所有USPS货件的费率都是按区域自动计算的(Flat Rate除外,它不考虑距离因素)。 通过First-Class Mail运送到USPS不同区域 运送到附近USPS区域的包裹通常比前往高编号区域的包裹更快到达且成本更低。那么运送到不同区域到底需要多少钱?花费多长时间?接下来,我们以USPS First-Class Mail...
First-Class Mail letter (1 oz.) $0.69 $0.73 First-Class Mail letter (each additional ounce) $0.28 $0.28 First-Class Mail Flat/Large Envelope (1 oz.) From $0.874 $1.50 First-Class Mail Flat/Large Envelope (each additional ounce) $0.28 from $0.27 Postcard $0.56 $0.56 Flat ...
Refer to the USPS 2023 shipping rates by weight chart (below) to see the impact of rate increases for various package weights and destination zones. USPS Priority Mail Express - Retail Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9 Flat rate envelope $28.75 Legal ...
Envelope cannot be deformed much otherwise envelope would lose its status of flat rate and would be charged standard PMI rates which is more than twice as much. flat rate postage: $48.95 Note: Forwardo provides 50% discount on fees for consolidated shipping if the shipment fits the envelope...
USPS First Class Letter (untracked): max weight 3.5 oz / dim 11.5x6x1 (actual thickness of physical letter cannot exceed 1/4") USPS First Class Large Envelope/Flat (untracked): max weight 13oz / dim 15x12x1 (actual thickness of physical envelope cannot exceed 3/4" and it must be flexi...