priority mail letter flat rate envelope 12 1/2 x 9 1/2 虽然是letter flat rate 但是也是可以放其他物品进去邮寄,只要你能塞得进去。 $4.903. priority mail legal flat rate envelope 9 1/2 x 15 这个比上一个要长 $5.104. priority mail padded flat rate envelope 9 1/2 x 12 1/2 这个是我最...
First-Class Mail®service is an affordable and easy way to send envelopes and postcards. First-Class Mail Forever®stamps cost $0.73 (the current 1 oz price) and will never expire, even if the First-Class™postage rate goes up. ...
USPS 国际邮寄一般也有四种方式,分别是 First Class International,Priority Mail International,Priority Mail Express International,以及 Global Express Guaranteed. 这几种服务的区别主要在于:1. 投递速度,2. 价格,3. 追踪,下面分别介绍。 1. First Class International 官网地址:
Flat Rate Envelope: From $10.10 USPS Mailing Box (Flat Rate): From $10.65 Your Own Box By Weight/Zone: From $9.35 1-3 business days4 Simple, Affordable, Reliable Save money shipping packages by ground. USPS GroundAdvantage® Low rates for packages with expected delivery in 2-5 business ...
或者usps flat rate的 padded envelope。所有LetsLabel提供的面单为常规的regular线路面单不可以使用Flat Rate尺寸的物料箱邮寄。 选择邮寄方式及相关问题 Q:我应该怎么选择哪种服务?东西很小. A:低于13oz的都发first class 吧,又快又便宜~~~如果那玩意很重但是很小可以试试塞进priority的那个小盒子里...
First-Class Mail letter (each additional ounce) $0.28 $0.28 First-Class Mail Flat/Large Envelope (1 oz.) From $0.874 $1.50 First-Class Mail Flat/Large Envelope (each additional ounce) $0.28 from $0.27 Postcard $0.56 $0.56 Flat Rate Envelopes Flat Rate Envelopes Commercial Retail...
Items shipped using USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate products must fit within the provided packaging. For Flat Rate envelopes, these dimensions are defined by cubic inches (L x W x H). Flat Rate envelope: No more than 180 cubic inches.
(1) 不秤重的固定收费 (Flat Rate):需到邮局购买 Flat Rate (统一价格) 信封/箱子,这种 Flat Rate 信封/箱子已连同邮资计算进去。 普通信封 ( Flat Rate Envelopes 12-1 / 2“ x 9-1 / 2”或更小):$7.95法律文档信封 (Legal Flat Rate Envelope):$8.25软垫信封 (Padded Flat Rate Envelope):$8.55...
Priority Mail Express® Flat Rate Envelope Single or Pack of 10 12-1/2"(L) x 9-1/2"(H) $0.00 Priority Mail® Address Labels Pack of 10 5-3/4"(W) x 4-1/2"(H) $0.00 Priority Mail Express® Outside Pressure Sensitive Labels ...
USPS 国际邮寄一般也有四种方式,分别是 First Class International,Priority Mail International,Priority Mail Express International,以及 Global Express Guaranteed. 这几种服务的区别主要在于:1. 投递速度,2. 价格,3. 追踪,下面分别介绍。 1. First Class International 官网地址: