Cable-free The core of the USM Haller system is its modular ball-and-tube frame. With the USM Haller E, refinements to the ball, connector and tube allow power to flow safely through the furniture’s very structure. A single connector leads from a floor-level point directly to a power ...
Bedroom Kid’s Room Dining Room & Kitchen Home Office Shelving Storage Space Endless customisable solutions for the living room Make your house truly feel like home. The USM Haller modular furniture system gives you all the tools to make this happen. Understated and elegant, it adapts to your...
USM Haller, icon of modern design USM Modular Furniture Haller was created with origins in architecture. 50 years ago, engineer Paul Schärer and architect Fritz Haller collaborated in developing a system of furniture based on modular architectural structures combining elegance and technical perfection....
✨ USM Haller系统是一种钢铁模块化家具,外观和结构都非常简洁:镀铬钢管、球形关节接头和金属板。尽管外观简单,但通过配件组装,可以呈现出建筑概念的整体感。🌟 虽然最初是为办公场所设计,但USM Haller以其高品质的细节,可以轻松融入各种环境——从古典到现代,从温馨卧室、完美衣帽间、优雅书房、超能儿童房、震撼影...
【USM Haller模块化家具】USM Haller 模块化家具的标志性特征包括三部分:各类钢管、连接球头和各种颜色的面板。1963年,瑞士建筑师哈勒(Fritz Haller)提出这种灵活的收纳整理方案,像搭乐高一样组装成型。1969年,USM Haller书桌、书架和橱柜开始生产,如今许多家庭和办公环境钟都能看到它们的身影。#瑞士很行##瑞士设计##...
瑞士家具品牌USM自1885年成立以来,以其独特的设计和卓越的品质,成为家具界的经典。其中,USM Haller模块化系统是其最具代表性的系列,以其无限可能的组合方式,展现了现代设计的独特魅力。🔧 简单构造,无限可能 USM Haller家具系列以其简单的构造和无限的可能性,成为现代设计的典范。它由镀铬钢管、球形关节接头和金属板...
自1885年以来,USM一直是一家瑞士家族企业。今天,USM Haller模块化系统是我们最著名的家具系列,它具有灵活组合的无限可能性。在超过五十年的生产中,它一直保持着永恒的时尚性、开拓性和独特性,就像它最初被创造的那一天一样。它是现代主义设计和艺术的象征,2
Bedroom Kid’s Room Dining Room & Kitchen Home Office Shelving Storage Space Endless customisable solutions for the living room Make your house truly feel like home. The USM Haller modular furniture system gives you all the tools to make this happen. Understated and elegant, it adapts to your...
瑞士的USM品牌成立于1885年,以其创新的钢模块系统USM Haller而闻名。这个系统允许用户根据需要重新调整和配置家具,满足不同用途的需求。其独特的设计基础是优雅而巧妙的球关节,该系统在1965年获得了专利。2001年,USM Haller被纽约现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)永久收藏,成为现代设计的标志性作品。USM的品牌理念: ...
The design icon, since 1965. The modular concept combines functionality, durability and sustainability with timeless aesthetics. Design a classic that is customised to your needs. Features Specifications Solutions