USM Haller Advanced The most convenient table type: the tabletop slides forward for easy access to the integrated cable tray. Adaptation points can be fitted with smart accessories and USB ports. Explore USM Haller Side Table Square or rectangular, design the perfectly proportioned coffee table. Cho...
The classic par excellence: USM Haller tables are stylish and durable. A timeless dining table, highly individual work desk or in an elegant meeting room. USM Haller Classic Perfectly coordinated with the USM Haller modular furniture system, with its clean lines and versatile surfaces the table ...
A sleek, modern design means unique versatility. The USM Haller table is the perfect solution for your home or office to match your unique style. USM Haller tables and desks are timelessly stylish, durable and already have cult status. This makes them li
USM Haller shelving (M24) W 773mm D 373mm H 1790mm £1,951.13 + More Colours USM Haller side table (M21) W 523mm D 418mm H 390mm £318.72 + More Colours USM Haller side table (M55) W 523mm D 373mm H 565mm £931.54 ...
USM家具:经典与现代并存 🌟 USM Haller Table将经典设计与现代功能完美融合,为工作区和家庭空间带来无限可能。无论是办公桌、会议桌还是餐桌,它都展现出卓越的多功能性和高品质制作工艺。🌟 这款家具的框架采用耐用钢材,提供坚固支撑,确保长久使用。桌面材质和颜色可根据个人喜好和需求选择,打造个性十足的风格。
“模块化”是它的内核,让家居设计真正符合你个人的空间需求。USM Haller柜子系列应用了建筑概念,以零配件为核心,利用球、钢管为结构中心,加上钢板和门板便组成完整的柜子。配套的模块桌子Haller Table也同步诞生,成为USM Haller系列。 它之后很快风靡全球,从现代办公室到私人生活空间广泛应用。它更是全球顶级美术馆及公...
Similar products to USM Haller Low Table | USM Green Glass Guialmi L System Operative Desking FREZZA MUX70 meeting table StableTable StableTable Classic Lounge Famo CE Operative FREZZA Velvet FREZZA Spike PALMBERG Terio Plus Riflessi Shangai Coffee Table ...
USM Haller System (USM ハラーシステム) Vitra Chair(ヴィトラチェア) Vitra Table(ヴィトラテーブル) Vitra Work Chair(ヴィトラワークチェア) Vitra Sofa(ヴィトラソファ) Herman Miller (ハーマンミラー) Carl Hansen(カールハンセン) Maruni (マルニ木工) Flos (フロス) Eames(イーム...
More product lines have been added over the decades – including the USM Haller Table, the USM Kitos table construction system and USM Privacy Panels – that are compatible with one another and have themselves become coveted Swiss exports. “Made in Switzerland” is both a promise and a ...
这位客户是我们多年的老朋友了 ️,她在涂料领域有着深厚的造诣。她选择了一组USM转角柜和USM Haller Table,将办公、接待、会议、展示和储存功能集于一体,打造了一个半私密的空间。她对色系有着独特的见解,主体框架采用白色,而在主背景背板则选择了橘色,与墙体的蓝色形成视觉上的对比,营造出一种充满活力的洽谈...