I wrote a checker in CUDA C that partitions the work across CUDA blocks and threads, and avoids warp divergence.In benchmarking my design rule checker, I found that the checker took 27 seconds on the CPU and 2.6 seconds on the GPU, a tenfold speedup. A MIPS chip design was used as ...
Besides, the above numerical algorithm is implemented on multi graphics processing units using CUDA. Appropriate data structure is adopted to maintain high memory bandwidth; skills like atom operator, counter and so on are used to synchronize thread blocks; overlapping domain decomposition method is ...
CUDAGPUmassively parallelvisualizationVolume renderingImproving the image quality and the rendering speed have always been a challenge to the programmers involved in large scale volume rendering especially in the field of medical image processing. The paper aims to perform volume rendering using the ...
Jung S (2009) Parallelized pairwise sequence alignment using CUDA on multiple GPUs. BMC Bioin- form 10(Suppl 7):A3Parallelized pairwise sequence alignment using CUDA on multiple GPUs. Jung S. BMC Bioinformatics . 2009Jung S. Parallelized pairwise sequence alignment using CUDA on multiple GPUs[...
Su C C.Parallel direct simulation Monte Carlo com-putation using CUDA on GPUs.27th Interna-tional Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. 2011C.C. Su, C.-W. Hsieh, M. R. Smith, M. C. Jermy and J.-S. Wu, "Parallel Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Computation Using CUDA on GPUs," The ...
Dabrowski, "Efficient 3D stencil computations using CUDA," Parallel Computing, vol. 39, iss. 10, 2013, pp. 533-548. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.parco.2013.08.002Marcin Krotkiewski and Marcin Dabrowski. Efficient 3d stencil com- putations using cuda. Parallel Computing, 39(10):533-548...
(2011) `Implementing genetic algorithms to CUDA environment using data parallelization', Technical Gazette, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.511-517.M. Oiso, Y. Matsumura, T. Yasuda, and K. Ohkura, "Implementing Genetic Algorithms to CUDA Environment Using Data Parallelization," Graduate School of ...