Using Vagrant Container Development Kit Plugins 4.1. Using the vagrant-service-manager Plugin Using the vagrant-service-manager Plugin 4.1.1. Setting the Host Environment on Linux and Mac OS X 4.1.2. Setting Up the Host Environment on Microsoft Windows 4.2. Using the vagra...
Before you get started, make sure that you haveset up your Linux development environment. If you use macOS X, you canset up a Linux one-box environment in a virtual machine using Vagrant. You also want to install theService Fabric CLI ...
Vagrantfile (GH-567) allow user to override cpu/mem Jul 4, 2024 boxlogo.ico added a boxstarter shell for loading modules Jan 9, 2014 build.bat (maint) Corrected whitespace May 11, 2018 Boxstarter Repeatable, reboot resilient windows environment installations made easy using Chocolatey packages. ...
docker/kitematic - Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows validatorjs/validator.js - String validation Gerhut/axios-debug-log - Axios interceptor of logging request & response with debug library. axios/axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js foliojs/fontkit...
It has been just over a year since I wrote a post on running Jekyll in Windows using Vagrant. The world has relentlessly moved on… we now have Jekyll 3 and Docker has become popular to the point that you might want to check it out. So I revisited the way I was running my local ...
Latest version of Vagrant for your operating system. We recommend Version 1.8.6. Latest version of a virtual box for your operating system. We recommend Version 5.1+. Minimum of 5 GB of RAM with two cores. (Optional) If you are ...
/vagrant up; I tried to vagrant provision as well, but no file specified only went away after I restarted my computer (I'm on Windows 7 PC) after doing all of the above. It is certainly a time consuming and tricky error. This is what my working homestead.yaml looks like for two ...
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ Thisvagrant sshcommand will drop us into a full-fledged SSH session. Note: We should be careful aboutrm -rf /, since Vagrant shares a directory at/vagrantwith the directory on the host containing ourVagrantfile, and this can delete all those files. ...
Using AWS OpsWorks Stacks-Specific Search Indexes on Windows Stacks Using an External Cookbook on a Linux Instance: Berkshelf Using the SDK for Ruby Using the SDK for Ruby on a Vagrant Instance Using the SDK for Ruby on an AWS OpsWorks Stacks Linux Instance Using the SDK for Ruby on an ...
On the command line, I entered a Python environment and first imported the WinRM module. Next I created a winrm.Session object by building the connection string with theHostNameparameter and an authentication credential parameter pair. In this case, I am using a Vagrant box with local authenti...