One of the cool things about Vagrant is automatic provisioning. It means that you can specify a shell script to be run every time you use the vagrant up command. So let's say that we want our guest machine to always be deployed with Apache installed on it. To do this, we can put ...
Now if I runvagrant rdpon my local machine, Vagrant will try to establish a connection on port 33390 of your local host to 3389 of your guest VM as illustrated below. Even better, RDP works from my Mac host to my Windows Vagrant box. ...
Vagrant is an open-source, command-line based tool, available for Windows, MacOS, and GNU/Linux, that allows generatingreproducible and sharable development environments in an automated fashion. To this end, Vagrant creates and configures virtual machines or lightweight containers from a simple config...
InDeSmartwe useVagranton a daily basis. Whatever the reason to work on the system without native support for NFS (Network File System), yes, I’m talking aboutWindows, you can feel that every request to localhost can be a pain in the ass. 3.2sto load the home page with one db query?
Vagrant is a wrapper for different hypervisor programs. Vagrant can quickly configure virtual machines based on your project requirement and get them up and running. Vagrant simplifies managing virtual machines for development projects and saves a lot of
Windows 10 VM Download Link 4) Under Choose a VM platform, select either “VirtualBox”, “Vagrant”, “VMWare (Windows, Mac)”, “HyperV (Windows)”,“Parallels (Mac)”. Choose which VM version you want to use. In case you don’t have the Virtual Machine software/enable...
How to install guest additions virtualbox Read:How to Install Vagrant on Ubuntu 22.04 Once you’ve got the necessary packages installed, it’s time to pop in that Guest Addition CD. Just click on “Devices” in the Virtual Machine’s menu bar and choose “Insert Guest Addition CD image”...
Kubernetes is the most popular container technology in use today. As such, the topic of different Kubernetes data types that have to be backed up requires a thorough examination. As with any complex system, Kubernetes and Docker have a number of specific data types that they’ll need to rebui...
'vagrant' to create and manage virtual machines from the command line. can i use command line to manage system services? yes, you can use command line to manage system services. you can use tools like 'systemctl' or 'service' to start, stop, and manage system services. can i use ...
We have written a small article on how to do this in case your virtualbox runs onUbuntu. If however your virtualbox runs on Windows, you may want to checkthis article. Read:How to Change the Resolution of Ubuntu 22.04 VM in VirtualBox ...