Controller: ZWO ASIAIR Plus I can not get decent images of the sun. If I use preview mode on the AsiAir, the image is washed out. This is with no gain and lowest exposure setting. If I use video mode, I can get the image brightness down but can't seem to get good focus. I cer...
+1 for Deep Space Astro. Really helped me to learn Siril which I started using for quick enhancement to EAA saved from SharpCap or later stacking saved subs from my Asiair + which I use now. It did start me down the AP rabbit hole though and I now use PixInsight and the RC tools. ...
Rather than start over with an ASIAIR Pro, which by the way looks like a nice piece of hardware, you might try a simple focal reducer. Celestron makes a 0.63x reducer/corrector that will greatly improve your field of view. This solved nearly every problem I had. For $165 US you might ...