An example atproto application using ExpressJS and Typescript. - bluesky-social/statusphere-example-app
Add the following npm run script to the package.json to start the application in development mode"scripts": { "dev": "ts-node-dev --respawn --pretty --transpile-only src/index.ts" } Start the applicationnpm run dev About Komeet Backend Server using NodeJS and Express with TypeScript ...
I don't think it can be done without a helper function - typescript type inference is not taking into account that types for field and value are interdependent. So you have to use so-called user-defined type guard function to express type relationship explicitly: class Foo { pu...
// @ts-expect-error const app = express(); // or // @ts-ignore const app = express(); These special comments are effective in both JavaScript (withallowJsenabled) and TypeScript files. Given the simplicity of our demo application, we won't usecheckJsor the special comments discussed ...
Runnpm install typescript ts-node --savein your app folder. Install the necessary typings for your app. At the very least you'll probably want to: npm install @types/node --save npm install @types/express --save Add the following line at the top of your app'sapp.jsfile: ...
Setting up nodemon for TypeScript Development, TypeScript: Reloading Ts-Node Automatically on File Changes, Using TypeScript with Express in Nodemon
Finish line, you have to extend Express Request interface with your custom properties and then use that new interface instead Express Request interface. Have a nice day. I just find a way to tell typescript how to understand request object with new properties on it. This is the way: interfa...
Else, use either a Node.js JavaScript template included with Visual Studio and follow instructions here. Or, use an Open Folder project. If your project doesn't already include it, install the TypeScript npm package. From Solution Explorer (right pane), open the package...
Set up an Express server locally before deploying to Amplify Hosting Create a new directory for your project and install Express and Typescript. mkdir express-app cd express-app # The following command will prompt you for information about your project npm init # Install express, typescript and...
(typeof(Hotel)); var definition = new SearchIndex(indexName, searchFields); var suggester = new SearchSuggester("sg", new[] { "HotelName", "Category", "Address/City", "Address/StateProvince" }); definition.Suggesters.Add(suggester); searchIndexClient.CreateOrUpdateIndex(definition); } /...