在Express中使用TypeScript需要注意什么? 项目背景 最近接到一个比较简单的任务,需求如下: 1、从MQTT服务器订阅断电报警信息然后入库到SQLServer或者MySQL数据库中2、从MQTT服务器订阅到站点报警(0断电,1来电)、GPS信息(经纬度)、设备信号,然后在内存中缓存每个站点的这三种信息,再加上最新通信时间(接收到订阅的消息的...
然后先连接MQTT服务器,设置订阅的主题并针对这三个主题分别写对应的回调处理函数。 2、在内存中维护一张站点信息的Map缓存数据结构,这里为了方便选择了TypeScript编写, ```ts stationInfos: Map<string, StationInfo>; ``` 其中StationInfo是一个站点信息类 3、在接收到MQTT服务器推送的报警(/alarmSing)、GPS信息...
There are some other tools out there to generate express apps with TypeScript such asexpress-generator-ts, but these either haven't been updated in a while or install a lot of junk in your project (such as an ORM). Due to the heavy use of single-page-applications, no view-engine is...
在根目录下新建文件配置文件.swcrc,这里附一份配置,具体的内容可以查看文档 { "jsc": { "parser": { "syntax": "typescript", "tsx": false, "dynamicImport": true, "decorators": true }, "transform": { "legacyDecorator": true, "decoratorMetadata": true }, "target": "es2017", "externalH...
Express-ts-setup This is a starter kit for creating Express.js applications with TypeScript. It provides a quick setup process to get your TypeScript-based Express app up and running. Installation Install the package globally using npm:
Bumps express from 4.19.2 to 4.21.0. Release notes Sourced from express's releases. 4.21.0 What's Changed Deprecate "back" magic string in redirects by @blakeembrey in expressjs/express#5935 fi...
typescript": "^5.3.3" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/cookie-parser": "^1.4.6", "@types/express": "^4.17.21", "@types/morgan": "^1.9.9", "@types/node": "^20.11.16"...
安装ts:npm install typescript --save 安装ts相关依赖: (1) npm install @types/node --save-dev (2) npm install @types/express --save-dev 安装svg-captcha:npm install svg-captcha --save 安装rotating-file-stream:npm install rotating-file-stream --save ...
This is a starter kit for creating Express.js applications with TypeScript. It provides a quick setup process to get your TypeScript-based Express app up and running. Installation Install the package globally using npm: npm install typescript-express-templates ...
在迷你全栈电商应用实战系列的第二篇教程中,我们将通过基于 Node.js 平台的 Express[1] 框架实现后端API数据接口,并且将数据存储在MongoDB[2] 中。这样我们的网站就能够记录用户添加的商品,并且无论以后什么时候打开,都能获取我们之前的记录。 提示阅读这篇文章需要你对 Express 框架有一定的了解。如果不熟悉的话,...