当你在使用PaddlePaddle的GPU版本时遇到“your cuda device is not set properly”的错误,这通常意味着CUDA环境没有被正确配置或识别。以下是一些步骤和代码片段,帮助你检查和解决这个问题: 1. 检查PaddlePaddle是否为GPU版本 首先,确保你安装的是PaddlePaddle的GPU版本。你可以通过运行以下Python代码来检查: python import...
istat = cudaGetDeviceProperties(prop, 0) if(istat /= cudaSuccess) then write(,) ‘GetDevice kernel error:’, cudaGetErrorString(istat) stop endif write(,“('Device Name: ',a)”) trim(prop%name) write(,“('Max GridSize: ‘,2(i0,’ x '),i0)”) prop%maxGridSize ...
I am using nvfortran 23.11 and Cuda 12.3 - just updated both. Previously, I was able to use cudaGetDeviceProperties as in: istat = cudaGetDeviceProperties(prop, 0) if(istat /= cudaSuccess) then write(,) ‘GetDevice k…
ComfyUI Error Report Error Details Node Type: Joy_caption_two Exception Type: ImportError Exception Message: Using low_cpu_mem_usage=True or a device_map requires Accelerate: pip install 'accelerate>=0.26.0' Stack Trace File "V:\SD\Comfy...
Hi! We've received your issue and please be patient to get responded.The average response time ...
zhangQiWorrchanged the titleK8S: Using CUDA MPS to enable GPU sharing, error:error checking MPS daemon healthApr 11, 2024 github-actionsbotadded thelifecycle/staleDenotes an issue or PR has remained open with no activity and has become stale.labelJul 11, 2024 ...
MD5 Crack Method Based on Compute Unified Device Architecture基于CUDA架构的MD5破解方法研究 由于内存,运算速度以及磁盘空间的限制,暴力破解MD5几乎无法在PC机上实现.CUDA意在使GPU的超高计算性能在数据处理和科学计算等通用计算领域发挥优势.主要研究基于CUD八... ZHANG Runmei,WANG Xiao,张润梅,... - 《计算机科学...
# [-0.0000, -0.0000, 0.2452, ..., 0.1763, -0.0000, -0.2748]], device='cuda:0'), # batch_sizes=tensor([ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])) ...
Using NVC++ 23.9, the code successfully builds withnvc++ -cuda, but we get device linker errors for device-side cuRAND symbols: [ 66%] Linking CUDA executable 3d/Test_Amr_Advection_AmrCore_3d nvlink error : Multiple definition of 'precalc_xorwow_matrix' in 'CMakeFiles/Test_Amr_Advec...
Why must bind_to_thread be called before using CudaDevice on a separate thread? #271 workingjubilee opened this issue Jul 10, 2024· 0 comments Comments Copy link workingjubilee commented Jul 10, 2024 It is a safe function. Are there other safe functions which are depending on this ...