Code of Conduct All contributions to- and interactions surrounding- this project will abide by the USGS Code of Scientific Conduct. Disclaimer This software is preliminary or provisional and is subject to revision. It is being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The software has ...
Some publication sources—particularly USGS Scientific Investigations Report (SIR)—can only cite aProduction Release. Obtaining Code via Git Please see theGit Branches Sectionfor an overview of the major branches in this repository. To obtain this repository via git run: ...
Landsat Collection 2 U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) are tile-based products and are consistently processed to the highest scientific standards. The data are processed into Albers-projected Level-2 Surface Reflectance and Surface Temperature, and then serve as inputs for generating U.S. ARD. Lan...
Code of conduct I agree to abide byrOpenSci's Code of Conductduring the review process and in maintaining my package should it be accepted. Copy link Contributor melvidonicommentedDec 14, 2020 Hello@mikemahoney218, thanks for submitting your package.@ldecicco-USGSwill be your Handling Editor....
Installing Older Versions of ISIS Semantic Versioning and It's Role in Describing the Software Requests for Comment The ISIS project uses a Request for Comment (RFC) model where major changes to the code base, data area, or binary delivery process are proposed, iterated on, and potentially adop...