为更好地掌握和了解进入美国水域的相关要求,本文将对美国海岸警卫队(United States Coast Guard USCG)背景、联邦政府法规(Code of FederalRegulations,CFR)及联邦法规登记(Federal Register,FR)作一介绍,并列举了对在美国可航水域中航行的外国船的规则要求的CFR篇、章编号,同时载录今年3月2日USCG在上海举办的研讨会...
(33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) parts 151, 155-157, 159) and the Navigation Safety Regulations (33 CFR part 164) foreign vessels are subject to the requirements of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (HMTA) (49 U.S.C. 1802 et seq.) when in U.S. waters. The applicable ...
On-LineHelpat http://.uscg.mil/ppc/da.(SelectUsingDA,thenselectSearch Tips). Yourviewofanymenuorpageisdependentonyouraccess level(userrole)andthesecuritysettingsassociatedwiththat access.YourOperatorIDmaynothaveaccesstoallthe pagesweincludeinthisguide,orwemayshowafieldas editable,butyouraccessis“View...
Three departments: Operations, Engineering, and Support, consisting of nine enlisted ratings and non-rated personnel totaling 50 crew, conduct the day to day training, maintenance, and seamanship required of “America’s Tallship”. On average 15 personnel from various units supplement the crew to...