SQL Server报如下错误: The database principal owns a schemainthe database,andcannot be dropped. 因为tony拥有架构report,所以DROP USER无法删除他 要删除用户tony,需要先将架构report的授权转移给另一个用户。例如,以下语句将架构report的授权更改为用户dbo: ALTERAUTHORIZATION ONSCHEMA::report TOdbo; 然后才能成...
Users that own securables cannot be dropped from the database. Before dropping a database user that owns securables, you must first drop or transfer ownership of those securables. The guest user cannot be dropped, but guest user can be disabled by revoking its CONNECT permission by executing...
The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped. Solution In this article I will explain what needs to be done prior to dropping the user if it failed with error message 15421 or error message 15138. As per Microsoft SQL Security you cannot d...
For detailed instructions on how to find the objects owned by a database user, see How do I resolve the "user cannot be dropped" error in Amazon Redshift? in Knowledge Center.Note Amazon Redshift checks only the current database before dropping a user. DROP USER doesn't return an error...
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped.*/ You experience this problem after you upgrade Microsoft Dynamics GP databases to SQL Server 2005/SQL Server 2008 or if a user owns one or more schemas. ...
You cannot delete a user if they are the owner of any objects in Supabase Storage. You will encounter an error when you try to delete an Auth user that owns any Storage objects. If this happens, try deleting all the objects for that user, or reassign ownership to another user. Exporting...
The database principal owns a schema and cannot be dropped. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15138) in sql 2000 I can delete the user very easy, but in sql 2005 I don't understant How to do it. All replies (19) Wednesday, October 12, 2005 5:13 PM ✅Answered |6 votes ...
Objects can be moved between schemas, and schema ownership can be transferred between principals. Database users can be dropped without affecting schemas.Built-In SchemasSQL Server ships with ten pre-defined schemas that have the same names as the built-in database users and roles. These ...
A tablespace designated as the default permanent tablespace cannot be dropped; to accomplish this goal, another tablespace must first be designated as the default permanent tablespace. It is possible to ALTER the default permanent tablespace to another tablespace, affecting all users/objects created ...
Only those users which are delivered with the SAP HANA database cannot be dropped: SYS, SYSTEM, _SYS_REPO, and _SYS_STATISTICS. System Views Example Create a new user called new_user. CREATE USER new_user PASSWORD Password1; Drop the user new_user you created in the previous step. A...