Users can create a schema owned by others. For example, run the following command to create a schema named myschema and set the owner of the schema to user jack: CREATE SCHEMA myschema AUTHORIZATION jack; If authorization username is not specified, the schema owner is the user who runs...
UseruserIdstringThe user identifier. This information is provided by the merchant. UseruserTypestringThe user's profile type. Possible values areConsumer,Developer,Seller,Publisher, andTenant. UserUserNamestringThe user-provided user name that is unique in the merchant system. ...
The following types of database links are supported for use with Data Pump Export: Public fixed user Public connected user Public shared user (only when used by link owner) Private shared user (only when used by link owner) Private fixed user (only when used by link owner) 1. The followi...
This is a label for the endpoint to help you identify it. It must be unique for all endpoints owned by your AWS account in the current region. It must begin with a letter, must contain only ASCII letters, digits and hyphens and must not end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive ...
owned by the system, and all users are initially given the privilege to create objects in such a schema, except in a restrictive database environment. A user with ACCESSCTRL or SECADM authority can change the privileges that are held by users on any schema. Therefore, access to create, ...
sys_owned_bool BOOLEAN 2 false Used by property: IsSystemOwned table_id OBJECT 16 true Used by property: TableDefinition sup_user_subclasses BOOLEAN 2 false Used by property: AllowsSubclasses default_instance_security_id GUID 16 false Indirectly identifies the default instance permissions used during...
The user is 'TestUser' User's Default Schema is 'dbo' And user has db_owner under Schemas Owned by User-- this you removed in new DB And user is in db_owner under Database Role membership Tom257 SSChampion Points: 11543 More actions ...
permission) will also own the object. Only user accounts in the db_owner role can create objects owned by dbo. Even then, under certain circumstances, the owner will end up being the actual user account instead of dbo. SeeUndestanding Object Ownershipfor an in depth discussion of this issue...
With the classic export client you were able to export with one single export session, tables that were owned by different users. For example to export the following tables:- table EMP owned by user SCOTT- table EMPLOYEES owned by user HR- table CATEGORIES_TAB owned by user OE...
A schema can be owned by any database principal. This includes roles and application roles. A database user can be dropped without dropping objects in a corresponding schema. Code written for earlier releases of SQL Server may return incorrect results, if the code assumes that schemas are equiv...