However, meeting zero skew in some large designs can be unnecessarily costly. If clock skew is used intentionally to meet timing then it is called useful skew. P&R tools can use useful skew as an optimization option in CTS and other stage optimizations to leverage the clock signal in meeting ...
G., ed. Clock Distribution Networks in VLSI Circuits and Systems, IEEE Press, 1995. Google Scholar Sathyamurthy, H., Sapatnekar, S. S., and Fishburn, J. P. “Speeding up pipelined circuits through a combination of gate sizing and clock skew optimisation,” Proceedings of the ...
J. G. Xi and W. W.-M. Dai. Useful-skew clock routing with gate sizing for low power design. Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 16(2/3):163-179, Jun./Jul. 1997.Joe G. Xi and Wayne W.M. Dai. Useful-skew clock routing with gate sizing for low power designs. In 33rd Design ...
Friedman, “Design methodology for synthesizing clock distribution networks exploiting non-zero localized clock skew,” IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, June 1996. Google Scholar W. Chuang, S.S. Sapatnekar, and I.N. Hajj, “A unified algorithm for gate sizing and clock skew optimization,”...
Useful clock skewmulti-corner multimodeAs VLSI technology scales into sub-65 nm realm, the complexity of timing optimization is drastically increased by the consideration of power and variations. Even though designers make great efforts during physical design, they are often faced with still heavy ...