Finally, use the following command to push the model to ModelScope: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 \ swiftexport\ --adapters output/vx-xxx/checkpoint-xxx \ --push_to_hubtrue\ --hub_model_id'<your-model-id>'\ --hub_token'<your-sdk-token>'\ --use_hffalse ...
# mkdir -p /mnt/workspace/qwen-ckpts/${后缀为hf的ckpt文件夹}mkdir-p /mnt/workspace/qwen-ckpts/qwen-7b-hf# cp -r ${在此处填写已下载的模型路径}/* /mnt/workspace/qwen-ckpts/${后缀为hf的ckpt文件夹}cp-r /root/.cache/modelscope/hub/qwen/Qwen-7B/* /mnt/workspace/qwen-ckpts/qw...
2024.02.25: Support swift export to quantize models using AWQ/GPTQ and push to ModelScope Hub. See documentation: LLM Quantization. More 2024.02.22: Support gemma series: gemma-2b, gemma-2b-instruct, gemma-7b, gemma-7b-instruct. 2024.02.16: Support deepseek-math series: deepseek-math-7b...
Power BI Semantic Model ProductInsights Productioneer Connector Profisee QuestionPro Connector Quick Base Connector QuickBooks Online REST Roamler Samsara API Get Records (Beta) Salesforce Objects ScopevisioPowerBICon Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) ...
For hub and project workspaces, the FQDNs of all project workspaces resolve to the IP address of the hub workspace. Note Managed online endpoints share the workspace's private endpoint. If you're manually adding DNS records to the private DNS zone, an A record ...
RSHP Transforms 150-Year-Old Victorian Gasholders into a Mixed-Use Residential Hub in London, UK July 12, 2024 Courtesy of RSHP | Bromley-by-Bow Gasworks RSHP’s design proposal for the Bromley-By-Bow Gasworks regeneration project has just been approved by the London Borough of Newham’s ...
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From working in cubicles to Zoom calls - the world has evolved to a distributed working model. But, this transformation often leads to on-the-job mistakes, inefficient task allocation, or missed deadlines. There is no scope for error for social media teams representing brands online. Social med...
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