Get-SPSiteSubscriptionEdiscoveryHub Get-SPSiteSubscriptionEdiscoverySearchScope Get-SPSiteSubscriptionFeaturePack Get-SPSiteSubscriptionIRMConfig Get-SPSiteSubscriptionMetadataConfig Get-SPSiteUpgradeSessionInfo Get-SPSiteURL Get-SPSolution Get-SPStateServiceApplication Get-SPStateServiceApplicationProxy Get-...
Get-SPSiteSubscriptionEdiscoveryHub Get-SPSiteSubscriptionEdiscoverySearchScope Get-SPSiteSubscriptionFeaturePack Get-SPSiteSubscriptionIRMConfig Get-SPSiteSubscriptionMetadataConfig Get-SPSiteUpgradeSessionInfo Get-SPSiteURL Get-SPSolution Get-SPStateServiceApplication Get-SPStateServiceApplicationProxy Get-SPStat...
Set-SPEnterprise This cmdlet updates the properties of a managed property. It is typically used to change the name or description of a managed property. SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty represents a managed property in the enterprise search metadata property schema. For permissions and the most...
Seamless integration with Azure AI services: Ability to just update endpoints and keys in existing apps to switch to use AI Hub Gateway. AI routing and orchestration: The AI Hub Gateway Landing Zone provides a mechanism to route and orchestrate AI services, based on priority and target model en...
CreateProcessModel CreateProcessRuleRequest CreateProcessWorkItemTypeRequest CreateProfileContext CreateScopeInfo CreateTestMessageLogEntryRequest CreateTestResultsRequest CreateTestRunRequest CustomArtifactDownloadInput CustomerLastContact CustomerSupportRequest CustomizationType CustomSettings CustomTestField CustomTestFieldDe...
In linguistics, the Anaphora Resolution (AR) is the method of identifying the antecedent for anaphora. In simple terms, this is the problem that helps to s
Wondering - why it takes much longer for some device to show up in Intune than other? We use the same laptop brand/model for all... Hellosumo83 Welcome to the Microsoft community, my name is Recep I'll be happy to help youtoday. ...
C# will not let me use a pointer and the code it not with with out one C# - change windows color scheme C# - How do you send message from server to clients C# - 'Using' & 'SQLConn', Does the connection close itself when falling out of scope? C# - Access to private method ...
More equipment: With multi-camera streaming, you need multiple cameras and cables to link the cameras to a central hub. You may also have multiple audio input sources. More staff: It is possible to engage in multi-camera streaming. However,amulti-camera streamingsetupworks best when you have...
On the Device connection page, make a note of the ID Scope, the Device ID, and the device Primary Key. You will use these values later for provisioning the Azure Percept (Note: make sure the connection method is set to Shared access signature)....