一、稳定性与兼容性 DX11:作为较老的API,自2010年以来就已经存在,因此它非常成熟,拥有广泛的游戏和应用支持,在稳定性和兼容性上表现更佳。 Vulkan:作为新一代图形API,可能在某些旧硬件上存在兼容性问题。 二、开发难度 DX11:提供了较高级别的抽象,使得开发相对容易,特别是对于初学者和小型开发团队。 Vulkan:更加...
为什么我运行库启动,..关于博德之门3运行库启动的问题,你看到的"usedx11"和"usevulkan"可能是游戏设置里的选项,用于选择使用DirectX 11还是Vulkan图形引擎。DirectX 11和Vulkan都
2.更新后建议使用vulkan进行游戏。DX11仅推荐那些使用vulkan不稳定的玩家使用,在新显卡(20系显卡以上)新驱动的加持下,vulkan的表现比DX11更好些。 3.针对电脑老手,可以使用新版本的DLSS(3.1.30)版本替换掉自带的老版本DLSS(20系以上显卡都可用,不要杠DLSS3.0只有40可以用,不是一回事)。替换后提升非常大!!!但是...
REST not compatible with dxvk or vulkan native games either.Try to use dgvoodo2go is just as good since game is very light in performance. lilachem supporter 1 kudos 28 October 2024, 2:55AM hey! i might be able to help. what all are you using? what's your set-up?
Early Access doesn't support DX12, so you need to do a little config file editing to use DX11. Enable/Disable DX11/DX12/Vulkan via config file Consider backing up your config files if you are not used to this kind of stuff Open the config file (copy paste into file explorer): %local...
The problem is that their initial implementation of DX11 was flawed and they never got around to fixing it forcing a lot of us to use the aforementioned bandaids. Now that they have ripped the bandaid off we discover that yep they still need to fix their code that was seriously flawed in...
Wine-wayland is an application that allows you to running DX9/DX11 and Vulkan games using pure Wayland and Wine/DXVK. Networking Back to the Top Networking Learning Resources AWS Certified Security - Specialty Certification Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate Google Cloud Certified Pr...
It's a shame the developer didn't move to Vulkan API for the game. It really could have used it instead of staying on DX11. No point doing it now with ARK2 just around the corner I guess. 1 Likes, Who? Juso3D 12 Jul 2022 Link ARK: Survival Evolved... also known a...
1Our testing revealed that certain models of NVIDIA GPUs may not produce correct results when running DirectX 11 in conjunction with the FP16 variant of the FSR shaders. If this is resolved in the future, then you may want to use this CVar to re-enable the use of the 16-bit version ...