DX 11/DX 12/Vulkan API同场竞技 昨晚,作为性能测试行业龙头老大Futuremark推出了3DMark重大更新版本,增加了热门的Vulkan API性能测试,3DMark API Overhead测试中我们可以直观地比较Vulkan、DirectX 12以及DirectX 11的API性能。 目前最新版本的3DMark版本号为V2.3.3663,除了新增了在同一系统下对比Vulkan、DirectX 12以及...
Before a resource such as a buffer or image can be used byVulkanto store data, memory must be...
As a workaround, you can play the game using DX instead of Vulkan. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply JakeRummel Beginner 02-05-2025 05:39 AM 665 Views It would be appreciated if this could be acknowledged in the patch notes that it's an underlying issue, to help others be...
The D3D8, D3D9, D3D10, D3D11 and DXGI DLLs will be located in/your/dxvk/directory/bin. Build troubleshooting DXVK requires threading support from your mingw-w64 build environment. If you are missing this, you may see "error: ‘std::cv_status’ has not been declared" or similar threading...
Improve stability of Vulkan on pre-Pascal GPUs Emulate DX shader behavior when necessary Bounds-checking for SSBO variable pointer loads May 11th, 2018 - Windows 397.76, Linux 396.18.11Pick up the latest fixes from general release driver 397.64 May 7th, 2018 - Linux 396.18.08Fix...
Any advice or suggestions would be welcome, I am happy to post specific pieces of code if that would help?Thanks!virtual_storm 2017 年11 月 11 日 11:49 2 I assume you want to compare CPU performance of DX11 and Vulkan, since the GPU side is the same for both. In that case ...
Wine-wayland allows playing DX9/DX11 and Vulkan games using pure wayland and Wine/DXVK. - varmd/wine-wayland
我这就是DirectX 12出现了方格,改成11没了 4月前·河南 1 分享 回复 展开1条回复 Keen ... 来了vulkan确实能感觉到提升 4月前·山东 10 分享 回复 展开2条回复 11111111 ... 請問dx12如何切换dx11 1年前·中国台湾 0 分享 回复 微风&拂面📷 ...
Improve stability of Vulkan on pre-Pascal GPUs Emulate DX shader behavior when necessary Bounds-checking for SSBO variable pointer loads May 11th, 2018 - Windows 397.76, Linux 396.18.11Pick up the latest fixes from general release driver 397.64 May 7th, 2018 - Linux 396.18.08Fix...
Unity3D- BlendOp LogicalOr 、、、 我想支持ES11/12(它工作得很好)、OpenGL(标准、核心和ES),以及理想的Vulkan和Metal。,它只能在DX11的特定子集中使用逻辑或混合。实际上,它在所有版本的DX11.1+和DX12上似乎都能正常工作。但是,它不适用于任何其他平台。OpenGL列出了对逻辑或混合的支持。这似乎应该适用于...