I understand there is awithContextmethod on Laravel's Logger. After settingLog::withContext(['action_id' => '1234]);inAppServiceProvider's boot method, my log shows the 'action_id' as part of the context in my log files for Http Requests. However the logs in my...
$blade->directive('datetime',function($expression) {return"<?php echo with({$expression})->format('F d, Y g:i a'); ?>"; }); Which allows you to use the following in your blade template: Current date: @datetime($date) The Blade instances passes all methods to the internal view ...
// How can I use TinyMCE with Laravel Mix? I'm on 5.4 but I don't know much about webpack. I am trying to use TinyMCE on a textarea but it never loads and in the console I keep getting the message: "TypeError: Theme is not a constructor". I have installed it using npm instal...
Before getting to Filament, we need to create the DB structure in Laravel.Tracks will have many Reservations Reservation belongs to a Track and also belongs to a UserHere are our migrations and Models:Tracks table:Schema::create('tracks', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->id(); $...
Date and time values vary based on the zone. These values are needed to change for those Python applications that require dealing with international users. According to the zone, the dateTime module of Python cannot convert the date and time values. This
使用带用户密码clone的方式: git clone https://username:password@remote 当username和password中含有特殊...
use Qc\QcLog; QcLog::userLog()->addInfo('hello'); QcLog::goodsLog()->addWarning('this goods is missing'); QcLog::addInfo('this message will be wirtten in storage/logs/laravel.log'); 类似addInfo的方法有: 'addInfo', 'addDebug', 'addNotice', 'addWarning','addEmergency', 'add...
model Car { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) brand String model String created_at DateTime @default(now()) bought Boolean @default(false) }I highly recommend you to look up everything in the Prisma schema reference documentation.
$time = substr($datetime, 9); #Print the time value print "The time value is:\n", $time, "\n"; Output: The following output will appear after executing the above code. Conclusion The uses of the substr() function with different types of argument values have been shown in this tutori...