->get('name', 'dob, ‘license_no’, 'address'); return response()->json(array('result' => $search)); } } The problem I'm encountering is that some of the columns are returning the value of NULL. How can I convert NULL to empty string. Also, the value of 'NULL' is being di...
use Cocur\Slugify\Slugify; $mustache = new Mustache_Engine([ // ... "helpers" => [ "slugify" => function ($string, $separator = null) { return Slugify::create()->slugify($string, $separator); }, ], ]);LaravelSlugify also provides a service provider to integrate into Laravel (...
else if (DateTimeStyles.HasFlag(DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal)) { dateTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(dateTime, DateTimeKind.Local); } } if (DateTimeStyles.HasFlag(DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal)) { dateTime = dateTime.ToUniversalTime(); } string format = string.IsNullOrEmpty(DateTimeFormat) ? DefaultDateTim...
In this short tutorial we will cover an how to convert string into array in php. step by step explain how to convert string value into array in php. I would like to share with you php convert string to array by comma. you'll learn php convert string to array with delimiter. follow b...
Convert HTML to an image, PDF or string. Contribute to spatie/browsershot development by creating an account on GitHub.
$date = XenForo_Locale::dateTime($message['date'],'absolute');if($message['user_id'] >0) { $url = XenForo_Link::convertUriToAbsoluteUri(XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink("members/". $message['user_id']),true); $user ="[url='{$url}']{$message['username']}[/url]"; ...
One of my clients is in Germany and needs to have the record count match up with their record counts so the timezones need to match up. They're going to be passing in a CET (Europe/Berlin) date string but I need to convert that to CST to do the query and then return the records...
Here, we will usejsonlibrary to convert json to string in python. we will create "myJsonArray" array with website lists and convert it to string usingdumps()method into python list. so let's see the simple example: Example: main.py ...
• How do I convert 2018-04-10T04:00:00.000Z string to DateTime? • How to get current local date and time in Kotlin • Converting unix time into date-time via excel • Convert python datetime to timestamp in milliseconds • SQL Server date format yyyymmdd •...
It creates problems like, it may convert decimal float value into string values that can affect some calculation of site. Here are the few more articles which you might like Convert 12-hour datetime to 24-hour datetime in JavaScript To create multiple date picker usingjQuery ...