Note 2 to entry: The use case description typically does not include a detailed list of all relevant scenarios for this use case. Instead a more abstract description of these scenarios is used. Note 3 to entry: This definition is adapted from Reference [3]. 2.scenario description of the te...
网络用例场景 网络释义 1. 用例场景 (3)用例场景(Use-Case Scenario) :包括成功场景和失败场景,场景主要是由基本流和备选流组合而成的;(4)特殊需求 (…|基于199个网页 释义: 全部,用例场景
USE CASE&Scenario 一个Usecase表示一组具有共同使用目标的消息序列(scenario),其中消息序列指的是描述活动者与系统交互的一组有序的步骤。 在一般的UML建模过程中,分为以下几个阶段:业务、需求、分析和设计,其中设计又可分为结构分析和行为分析。业务是对商业模型的深刻理解,从商业模型里面提取出业务需求,然后把需求...
具,而 Use Case 则是对业务、需求等分析的结果。 场景Scenario 场景Scenario “场景”这个词,有两拨人在用:一拨是交互设计师(如Alan Cooper);另一 “场景”这个词,有两拨人在用:一拨是交互设计师(如Alan Cooper);另一 拨是需求分析师 (如 Alistair Cockburn)。当然,他们所指的含义也不一样。 拨是需求...
scenario, user story, use case 發行項 2011/12/01 Here is a link to the most straightforward explanation around these concepts I have seen.In case you don’t want to drill down to the link above, following is a excerpt.I’ve tried answering this question so many times and in so many...
Alternative path (or flow): Avariation of the main success scenario, these usually show what happens when there’s an error or unexpected event in a use case. Use Case Examples Example 1: Quiz Instant Feedback Description:Aneducational technologycompany wants to develop a feature that allows st...
Straszak, „Complementary Use Case Scenario Representations Based on Domain Vocabularies," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, tom 4735, pp. 544-558, 2007.Śmiałek M, Bojarski J, Nowakowski W, Ambroziewicz A, Straszak T (2007) Complementary use case scenario ...
What’s the difference between a use case and a use case scenario? A use case is a set of steps needed to accomplish a specific goal. There can be multiple paths to reaching that goal, and each one of those is considered a use case scenario. ...
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