任务Task、用例UseCase、用户故事UserStory、场 任务Task、用例UseCase、用户故事UserStory、场 景Scenario 景Scenario 与任务类似的概念有:用例、用户故事、场景等。在本小节,我们会对其作详细 与任务类似的概念有:用例、用户故事、场景等。在本小节,我们会对其作详细 的澄清。 的澄清。 任务Task 任务Task 任务,...
Scenario是描述一系列Scene中几个Scene之间的时间关系,受Action和Event影响,在特定状态下有特定的目标和值。 来源于:2015 IEEE Defining and Substantiating the Terms Scene, Situation, and Scenariofor Automated Driving 注1:每个Scenario都从一个初始Scene开始。可以指定动作和事件,以及目标和值来表征Scenario中的这种...
任务Task、用例UseCase、用户故事UserStory、 场景Scenario 秋雨天气疯狂的热了几天后,终于安静了下来。 秋雨悄悄的来了,绵绵的,洋洋洒洒,一下就是好几天,窗外依然滴滴哒哒的响着,看来是没有停下来的意思。绵绵的秋雨,带来了丝丝的凉意,不喜欢这样的天气,灰色的天空,没有的以往的清澈和透明,看着街上来往的车,人...
UserStory更像是分析务务、务务目务度务所用工具,而划UseCase务是务务务、需求等分析的务果。务景Scenario “务景”务务,有 务人在用:一务是交互务务务(如个两 Alan Cooper); 一务是需求 另分析务(如Alistair Cockburn)。然,他务所指的含务也不一务。务于“务景”一务 当用的情 ,在两况 RUP(...
Diagram the use case scenario. Let’s go through each of these steps in more detail. 1. Identify the actors The first step is to identify the different actors that will be interacting with the system. An actor is anyone or anything that interacts with the system. For example, for an e...
USE CASE&Scenario 一个Usecase表示一组具有共同使用目标的消息序列(scenario),其中消息序列指的是描述活动者与系统交互的一组有序的步骤。 在一般的UML建模过程中,分为以下几个阶段:业务、需求、分析和设计,其中设计又可分为结构分析和行为分析。业务是对商业模型的深刻理解,从商业模型里面提取出业务需求,然后把...
You are working in a retail chain company that sells some products. To better target their marketing materials, they need to identify customers who are likely to purchase a home theater package. To resolve this, you are using the Random Forest algorithm
A use case scenario, often represented by a sequence diagram, involves the collaboration of multiple objects and classes, use cases help identify the messages (operations and the information or data required - parameters) that glue the objects and classes together. Use cases provide a good basis ...
In the DICOM section, the medical image querying and cohort identification are highlighted to help improve the case for a patient named Mary. In this scenario, the focus is on creating reminders ornudgesfor a cardiac patient named Tara. In this use case, the nudges are directed to a member...