Use Case Diagram Easily visualize your system's functionality with use case diagrams Create Your Use Case PayPalCreditPaymentIdentity<<Service>>ServiceProviderAuthenticationOnline Shopping<<include>><<include>>View ItemsMakePurchaseCheckoutClientRegisterRegisteredCustomerCustomerNewCustomerWeb...
只需点击下面的绘图按钮即可在线创建活动图。Visual Paradigm Online是免费*且直观的。在开始之前,您还可以通过此活动图教程了解活动图。 现在画 构建用例 UML定义了用例之间的三种关联定型: <<包含>>用例 使用<< include >>关系的时间是在完成对所有主要用例的第一次描述之后。您现在可以查看用例并...
Although the use case itself may go deep into many details of each possibility (e.g., the flow of events and scenes), the use case diagram can help provide a more intuitive view of the system and a simplified and graphical representation of what the system actually must do. Use case di...
8. Online banking system We love this use case diagram of an online banking system because it clearly outlines the roles and responsibilities within a banking system, making it easy to understand how different users interact with various functions....
Use Case DiagramType, Use CaseLevel, ImportantActors, High PrimaryStakeholders, AdministratorDescription, BriefFlow, Normal
When to apply use case diagrams A use case diagram doesn't go into a lot of detail—for example, don't expect it to model the order in which steps are performed. Instead, a proper use case diagram depicts a high-level overview of the relationship between use cases, actors, and systems...
UML is a very complex framework and each type of diagram serves a particular purpose. In a use case diagram, you only want to present really high level processes, and not show the details. For example, listing the possible currencies of the account is completely out of place, I think ...
用例(use case):系统功能 图形:如下图是登录功能 用例.png 每个用例都有一个名称:短小精悍的“动名词”如例如ATM系统,经典的用例有“取钱” “存钱”“修改密码”等。 参与者(actor):用户或者外部系统 图形: 参与者.png 对每一类参与者要有简短描述:如 学生:需要参加培养计划规定的课程,并通过考核 ...
4. Use Case Diagram for Online Shopping Try It FreeAll Templates In this illustration, we have an online shopping subsystem. It has use cases like view items, make a purchase, checkout, and client register. Then we have multiple actors like the registered user, web customer, and new custom...
UML——Use Case Diagram(用例图) 用例图主要用来描述角色以及角色与用例之间的连接关系。说明的是谁要使用系统,以及他们使用该系统可以做些什么。一个用例图包含了多个模型元素,如系统、参与者和用例,并且显示这些元素之间的各种关系,如泛化、关联和依赖。它展示了一个外部用户能够观察到的系统功能模型图。