USE-CASEDIAGRAMEXERCISE 1. Draw ausecasediagramfor an ATM machine with the following functionality. A customer’s interaction with thesysteminvolves logging in‚ making withdrawal requests‚ deposit requests‚ and balance inquiry requests. If the customer logs in‚ there is a possibility (altho...
Use Case Diagram Easily visualize your system's functionality with use case diagrams Create Your Use Case PayPalCreditPaymentIdentity<<Service>>ServiceProviderAuthenticationOnline Shopping<<include>><<include>>View ItemsMakePurchaseCheckoutClientRegisterRegisteredCustomerCustomerNewCustomerWeb...
The benefit of using theuse case diagramis that we develop the system with the user in mind. It is the best way to meet the requirements of the end-user. The use case diagram illustrates the relationship between the multiple use-cases, actors, and systems. The best practice is that the ...
用例图体现了该系统能够为参与者提供的种种功能以及这些功能之间的联系。要画好一张用例图,需要把握三个元素:参与者(Actor)、用例(Use Case)和用例间的关系(Relationship)。 一、 参与者 参与者代表的是参与使用系统的一类角色,例如,读者就是图书馆这个系统的参与者。要正确把握参与者,需要注意以下几点: 1. 参与...
Discover how the UML Use Case Online Shopping System Template simplifies documenting your online shopping system and interactions.
Use Case Diagram 1、确定参与者(actor) 1.1用户 使用ATM自动取款机进行现金交易。进行余额查询、设置密码、修改密码、转账等操作。 1.2银行管理员 对用户的需求进行接收,通过与数据库的交互,根据对用户应用服务的响应,更新数据库中用户的信息。 2、参与者(actor)用例图...
Lecture SeriesRequirements Modeling (Use Case Diagram + Use Case Description) Session ObjectivesAt the end of this lecture You will be able to :Draw a use case diagram to depict functional requirements of a system.Expose typical mistakes by students.Write use case description for a use case. us...
用例(use case):系统功能 图形:如下图是登录功能 用例.png 每个用例都有一个名称:短小精悍的“动名词”如例如ATM系统,经典的用例有“取钱” “存钱”“修改密码”等。 参与者(actor):用户或者外部系统 图形: 参与者.png 对每一类参与者要有简短描述:如 学生:需要参加培养计划规定的课程,并通过考核 ...
A use case diagram is a way to summarize details of a system and the users within that system. It is generally shown as a graphic depiction of interactions among different elements in a system. Use case diagrams will specify the events in a system and how those events flow, however, use...
2、新建Use Case View用例视图 右击上面新建的Project->选择【New View】->弹出对话框,选择【Use Cse】如下图 单击【OK】,在Model工程下,这样就新建了一个Package。 右击Package【商品提报上架】->选择【Add】->选择【Add Diagram】,如下图所示 弹出如下对话框:选择【UML Behavioral】->Use Case,单击【OK】 ...