A case number is structured like this: AAA-XX-YYY-Z-MMMM: AAA:The service center or office that received your case. SRC- Texas Service Center (TSC, formerly Southern Regional Center) LIN- Nebraska Service Center (NSC, Lincoln, NE)
13. USCIS Premium ProcessingToll Free Phone Number: 1-866-315-5718 California Service Center (CSC): (949) 831-8550 Nebraska Service Center (NSC): (402) 474-5012 Texas Service Center (TSC): (214) 275-4415 Vermont Service Center (VSC): (802) 527-3192 Premium Processing E-mail (NSC): ...
Texas Service Center:tsc.ncscfollowup@dhs.gov If you do not receive a response within 21 days of contacting the Service Center, you may contact the USCIS Headquarters Office of Service Center Operations by email atSCOPSSCATA@dhs.gov. Forms You may order individual forms by calling our forms ...
Our case goes through the Texas Service Center in our example receipt number. Your distance to a service center does not always dictate where your case will end. Instead, the deciding factor is your type of case and theservice center that processes the corresponding forms. For instance, if yo...
The USCIS Lockbox facilities located in Chicago, Illinois; Phoenix, Arizona; and Lewisville, Texas, are operated by a Department of Treasury designated financial
USCIS case number has the following format ("-" hyphens omitted): AAABBCCCDEEEE Where the values above are as follows: AAA The USCIS service center or office that received your case SRC - Texas Service Center (TSC) LIN - Nebraska Service Center (NSC) WAC - California Service Center (...
SRC – Texas Service Center EAC – Vermont Service Center USCIS customers can check the status of their cases by going to the USCIS “My Case Status” page. The left side of the page will have a box into which they need to enter their receipt numbers. They need to enter the complete ...
why are we having problems obtaining case status through online even with a receipt number. and what does the priority date mean? I had case sent toNBCalso but I was able to check my case status online right from day one with my MSC #. I cant seem to figure out why when others are...
Texas Service Center: tsc.ncscfollowup@dhs.gov Step 3: If the issue is still not resolved after 21 more days, email the Office of Service Center Operations: SCOPSSCATA@dhs.gov. 6. Place a Congressional Inquiry The FBI has clearly stated that congressional inquiries do not expedite processing...