California Service Vermont Service Nebraska Service Texas Service If you do not receive a response within 21 days of contacting the Service Center, you may contact ...
A case number is structured like this: AAA-XX-YYY-Z-MMMM: AAA:The service center or office that received your case. SRC- Texas Service Center (TSC, formerly Southern Regional Center) LIN- Nebraska Service Center (NSC, Lincoln, NE)
13. USCIS Premium ProcessingToll Free Phone Number: 1-866-315-5718 California Service Center (CSC): (949) 831-8550 Nebraska Service Center (NSC): (402) 474-5012 Texas Service Center (TSC): (214) 275-4415 Vermont Service Center (VSC): (802) 527-3192 Premium Processing E-mail (NSC): ...
MSC: Missouri Service Center IOE: USCIS Electronic Immigration System YSC: Potomac Service Center Our case goes through the Texas Service Center in our example receipt number. Your distance to a service center does not always dictate where your case will end. Instead, the deciding factor is your...
USCIS case number has the following format ("-" hyphens omitted): AAABBCCCDEEEE Where the values above are as follows: AAA The USCIS service center or office that received your case SRC - Texas Service Center (TSC) LIN - Nebraska Service Center (NSC) WAC - California Service Center (...
why are we having problems obtaining case status through online even with a receipt number. and what does the priority date mean? I had case sent toNBCalso but I was able to check my case status online right from day one with my MSC #. I cant seem to figure out why when others are...
SRC – Texas Service Center EAC – Vermont Service Center USCIS customers can check the status of their cases by going to the USCIS “My Case Status” page. The left side of the page will have a box into which they need to enter their receipt numbers. They need to enter the complete ...
The USCIS Lockbox facilities located in Chicago, Illinois; Phoenix, Arizona; and Lewisville, Texas, are operated by a Department of Treasury designated financial
Texas Service Center: Step 3: If the issue is still not resolved after 21 more days, email the Office of Service Center Operations: 6. Place a Congressional Inquiry The FBI has clearly stated that congressional inquiries do not expedite processing...