3.Film & Television Production, MFA:4.Interactive Media, MFA;5.Cinematic Arts (Media Arts...
电影艺术学院(School of Cinematic Arts) 戏剧学院(School of Dramatic Arts) Sol Price公共政策学院(Sol Price School of Public Policy) 社工学院(Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work) Thornton音乐学院(Thornton School of Music) Viterbi 工程学院(Viterbi School of Engineering) 优势学院简介: 南加州大学...
• July 2008,A Day in the Life,digital video, 12 minutes. Position: writer/director. A documentary on a homeless Iraq vet who has lived on the streets since his return from the military. Created for senior-year multimedia term project, San Raphael High School, Miami, Florida. • March...
usc school of cinematic arts 读音:美英 usc school of cinematic arts基本解释 南加州大学电影艺术学院;南加州大学电影学院;电影艺术学院 分词解释 uscunder separate cover 另包,另包邮寄 school学校,学院 cinematic电影的,影片的 arts文科
美国南加州大学(University of Southern California ) 又名 南加大 ,USC , 位于加州洛杉矶市中心,由监理会于1880年创立,是加州及美国西岸最古老的私立大学,也是世界领先的私立综合学术研究型名校之一. 南加大的课程水准极受肯定,其中商学院、电影、传播、建筑、医学及理工学院等科系在美国大学中相当知名。 虽然只有...
Freshman and transfer application deadline for the following majors requiring a portfolio or audition: Dramatic Arts (BFA programs only) Cinematic Arts and Music (BFA programs only) Kaufman School of Dance Thornton School of Music Iovine and Young Academy ...
USC’s two primary campuses, both located in the heart of Los Angeles, welcome thousands of guests and visitors each year. The 229-acre University Park campus, home to the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Scie...
Kyle Ackerman joined the USC School of Cinematic Arts in 2012 as the Senior Director of Corporate Relations. He connects the School’s many exciting programs with the School’s global corporate partners. Kyle worked extensively in corporate and structured finance for companies including G.E. Capital...
FRIDAY: USC’s School Of Cinematic Arts Annual “First Frame” Showcase FRIDAY: USC's School Of Cinematic Arts Annual "First Frame" Showcase By Jerry Beck April 11, 2016 8:10 pm Features This Government Program Brings American Indie Films Around the World This Government Program Brings America...