纽约大学为美国大学协会成员及新常春藤之一 ,曼哈顿主校区设有帝势艺术学院。 NYU Tisch School of the Arts是全美最佳艺术学院之一,也是全球闻名的纽约大学电影制作研究所,NYU Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions Summer Program纽约...
NYU Tisch School of the Arts是全美最佳艺术学院之一,也是全球闻名的纽约大学电影制作研究所,NYU Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions Summer Program纽约大学音乐与表演艺术暑期项目,该暑假项目将帮助参与者发展智能及探索个人艺术领域可能性,你将在纽约参与细致而又专业的课程,包括新兴媒体、表演和电影艺...
NYU Tisch School of the Arts是全美最佳艺术学院之一,也是全球闻名的纽约大学电影制作研究所,NYU Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions Summer Program纽约大学音乐与表演艺术暑期项目,该暑假项目将帮助参与者发展智能及探索个人艺术领域可能性,你将在纽约参与细致而又专业的课程,包括新兴媒体、表演和电影艺...
Summer Program/暑期项目 其中Film & Television/电影电视,是本学院最热门,也是知名度最高的专业。电影电视方向包括3个专业,电Cinematic Arts/影视艺术(本科BA学位),Cinematic Arts/影视艺术(本科BFA学位),以及Cinematic Arts/影视艺术(硕士MFA学位)。 Cinematic Arts/影视艺术(本科BA学位),学生将主要学习运动图像的技术...
上周三3月15日,USC正式官宣,将在华盛顿特区开设新的首都校区(Capital Campus)!从加州直接到DC开校区...
The University of Southern California, also translated as the South California University and abbreviated as "USC", was founded in 1880. USC ranked 28th in the 2024 U.S. News America's Best Colleges Rankings. USC has a School of Cinematic Arts that has been rated as the best in the ...
Directory Profile Kyle Ackerman Adjunct Assistant Professor Affiliated Divisions: Interactive Media & Games Division Email:kackerman@cinema.usc.edu Kyle Ackerman joined the USC School of Cinematic Arts in 2012 as the Senior Director of Corporate Relations. He connects the School’s many exciting progra...
Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation has become a transformational presence on one of the nation’s most dynamic university campuses. The focus of the program’s course of study is on creativity and critical thin...
0 minutes — Compare public transit, taxi, biking, walking, driving, and ridesharing. Find the cheapest and quickest ways to get from USC School of Cinematic Arts (SCA) to JW Marriott Pool 4th Floor.