USC Trojans Color Codes HEX The USC Trojans colors HEX codes are #990000 for red and #FFC72C for yellow. The red HEX color code for the USC Trojans athletic team can be found below. #990000 The yellow HEX colour code for the USC Trojans can be found below. #FFC72C Color Codes of US...
University of South Carolina Upstate Spartans Hex, RGB, PANTONE and CMYK Color Codes The USC Upstate Spartans primary colors are green and black. Use these University of South Carolina Upstate color codes if you need their colors for any of your digital or print projects. Follow this link...
Adds configuration entry for the REV UltraPlanetary HD Hex motor Enhancements Adds setGain() and getGain() methods to the NormalizedColorSensor interface By setting the gain of a color sensor, you can adjust for different lighting conditions. For example, if you detect lower color values than...