Navy Blue Color Code If you work in web design or other digital media the following Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes for navy blue could be useful. Hex:#000080 RGB:0 0 128 CMYK:100 100 0 50 Navy Blue vs Royal Blue If you compare the two colors you’ll see that navy blue is a ...
The table below displays the Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes for the color royal blue. Hex: #4169E1 RGB: 65 105 225 CMYK: 71 53 0 12 Royal Blue vs Navy Blue Comparing the two colors, you’ll notice that royal blue is a more saturated and lighter form of blue while navy blue tend...
Theme-chalk use css var instead of component hex colors (#6727 by @YunYouJun) Docs switch to unocss (#6728 by @sxzz) Components [empty] refactor (#6703 by @buqiyuan) Theme-chalk use getCssVar instead of var(--el) & fix details Components [upload] improve code and typings (#6762 ...
CSS color name:"RoxyBrown"and"OliveDrab"are examples. These names don't include spaces. The list of supported colors appears later in this topic. 6-digit hex value:As an example"#ffd700"is the same as"Gold". The string is in the format "#rrggbb" whererris the red portion in two ...
Use the color pickers or enter hex color codes to set the background and text colors for the chat header, chat bubbles, and chat response buttons. The Colors setting allows you to choose colors for the following: Chat header: Background, Primary Text, Secondary Text Agent chat bubble: Back...
Theme-chalk use css var instead of component hex colors (#6727 by @YunYouJun) Docs switch to unocss (#6728 by @sxzz) Components [empty] refactor (#6703 by @buqiyuan) Theme-chalk use getCssVar instead of var(--el) & fix details Components [upload] improve code and typings (#6762 ...