epa initial commit superfund gis dataset Dec 17, 2013 fbi-crime-stats us hydrologic unit boundaries .e00 data Oct 14, 2013 federal-lands us federal lands shapefile dataset, also geojson format Dec 11, 2013 federal-resources-for-educational-excellence ...
The PAD-US is a regularly updated geographic information system (GIS) spatial dataset that compiles the best available data provided by U.S.-based land management agencies and organizations. It strives to be a complete inventory of public land and other protected areas in the U.S. Included ar...
Regional and local-level management requires information in more detail and utilises a variety of remote sensing and data processing methods. However, aerial photographs and computerised GIS are still the most useful, although Landsat and airborne video are finding increasing application in particular ...
EarthDefine has partnered with PlanIT Geo to deliver pre-analyzed tree cover data to help you easily plan and manage your urban forest. TheTreePlotter Canopydata solution gives users an easy way to jump straight away into analysis without needing specialized GIS staff or software to work with raw...
In recent years, however, flexible conceptual GIS-based models that are less data demands have gained increasing popularity for simulating landslide runout over relatively large areas (Horton et al., 2013; Wichmann, 2017; Mergili et al., 2019; Goetz et al., 2021). However, the combination ...
The US Federal Governments owns nearly 650 million acres of land - almost 30 percent of the land area of the United States. These are lands that are held for a…
data described and (or) contained herein. All information is created with a specific end use or uses in mind. This is especially true for GIS data, which is expensive to produce and must be directed to meet the immediate program needs. These data were created with the expectation that they...
Estimation of forest Leaf Area Index using remote sensing and GIS data for modelling net primary production Ecosystem models can be used to estimate potential net primary production (pNPP) using GIS data, and remote sensing input of actual forest leaf area to suc... SE Franklin,MB Lavigne,MJ ...
(1)National Implementation of the Forest Europe Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management 文章来源:Forests https://www.mdpi.com/1469468 (2)Stream Temperature Response to 50% Strip-Thinning in a Temperate Forested Headwater Catchment 文章来源:Water ...
These were downloaded as single files and then merged into one data set. Additional crops mentioned in the grey and published literature were used to enrich this data set. This included crops captured in the Agricultural Household Survey by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda32, the ...