Regional and local-level management requires information in more detail and utilises a variety of remote sensing and data processing methods. However, aerial photographs and computerised GIS are still the most useful, although Landsat and airborne video are finding increasing application in particular ...
add credit card complaints data set Oct 31, 2013 epa/superfund epa initial commit superfund gis dataset Dec 17, 2013 fbi-crime-stats us hydrologic unit boundaries .e00 data Oct 14, 2013 federal-lands us federal lands shapefile dataset, also geojson format ...
The PAD-US is a regularly updated geographic information system (GIS) spatial dataset that compiles the best available data provided by U.S.-based land management agencies and organizations. It strives to be a complete inventory of public land and other protected areas in the U.S. Included ar...
technician for the U.S. Forest Service, Jason has gained experience and expertise in cultural resource management (CRM), obsidian hydration, 3D scanning, and geographic information systems (GIS). In addition to his work at Willamette Analytics, LLC, Jason works in the field of special education...
Yes, you can choose "basic map" with white default color to help, but lose roads and whatnot. You can zoom in but some areas have fuzzy, gradient borders. Shouldn't the GIS data be very clear about boundaries? klein78,2016/09/05 ...
The now publicly available forest management maps, probability surfaces for each management class and uncertainty layer for each region can be viewed and analysed in commercial and open-source GIS and remote sensing software.doi:10.1038/sdata.2018.165Matthew Marsik...
US Forest Service (FS) National Park Service (NPS) BLM – National Monuments Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE) US Fish & Wildlife Service Bureau of Reclamation Tennessee Valley Authority Department of Defense (military bases & installations)
Data Western Native Trout Initiative and partners, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Forest Service, Archaeolo GIS, James Roberts/Fort Collins Science Center WNTI is an Initiative of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and a recognized partnership under the National Fish Habitat Par...
its business intelligence platform utilizes quantum data modeling and cloud computing for fast geographic information system (GIS) data visualization, analysis, and prediction. This allows city planners to make better-informed budgeting decisions and manage data collaboratively, ensuring that the policy-maki...
System (GIS) was used to organize spatially explicit and publicly available data for the region. The database was derived from available information on conditions in the study area during 1997 to 2000 (hereafter 2000), which defines the reference period against which im- ...