US Military Commands,1st Ld-WritethruROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer
Christopher Johnstone, a former senior Pentagon and CIA official, said upgrading the US command would be a “big step in building a more credible bilateral military alliance”. “Co-locating these commands, at least partially, would move the US-Japan alliance closer to the ‘fight tonight’ man...
000 active-duty military personnel stationed on 14 major military bases, most of them on Oahu, but as with most natural disasters, the military’s first response falls to a state’s National Guard under the command of a state’s governor....
I am a now recareer military officer who suffers from PTSD, TBI and other afflictions after serving in Iraq’s Al Anbar Province in 2007-2008. I have seen firsthand the terrible effects of war. I am also a historian and I have served as Assistant Professor at a major military staff co...
Why does the U.S. “need” 800 military bases around the globe? Why does it “need” to dominate the global trade in arms? Why has the U.S. wasted $10 trillion on unwinnable wars and conflicts (Iraq, Afghanistan, the GWOT, et al.) since 9/11? Why is China, a major U.S. tra...
Army military personnel participate in conflicts worldwide and are the major ground-based offensive and defensive force of the United States Armed Forces. Learn how the US Army uses strategic management software from Spider Strategies to manage performance in support of strategy....
When asked to grade how well the military was embracing the culture of failing fast and cheap, McConville said he had seen the culture change tremendously over the past year but there was much further to go. “I want to start with a ‘C’,” he said. ...
The United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) is one of the five geographically defined unified commands within the Department of Defense. Today it is responsible for planning and conducting United States (U.S.) military activity in a region consisting of 25 countries in Northeast Africa, Southwes...
The Navy has pushed additional destroyersinto the Red Seaand Eastern Mediterranean regions as well as extended ships’ deployments to keep a heightened presence there. The moves come as Houthi militants in Yemen continue to fire missiles and send drones at naval and merchant ships, military forc...
“Air superiority is something that we no longer have all the time in the theatre [military area of operations],” he says. “If you have a drone overfly your base and you’re not able to bring it down, you don’t have air superiority. That doesn’t happen often. But it does happe...