List of Commands 25 fault-profile apply List of Commands sas severity nsas severity Sets the severity level for: • sas (service affecting; impacts traffic) • nsas (non-service affecting; does not impact traffic) The available options are: • Critical • Major • Minor • Non-...
diversity-twitter –Twitter feeds of interesting people to follow for Diversity & Inclusion food food-recipes –Honest-to-goodness "real food" recipes frequent-transit-maps –Transit maps highlighting frequent all-day service global-reports –Major global reports published by international organisations gu...
cloudcommunity/Cloud-Free-Tier-Comparison - Comparing the free tier offers of the major cloud providers like AWS, Azure, GCP, Oracle etc. iamshuaidi/CS-Book - 计算机类常用电子书整理,并且附带下载链接,包括Java,Python,Linux,Go,C,C++,数据结构与算法,人工智能,计算机基础,面试,设计模式,数据库,前端...
To enter Network Time Protocol (NTP) configuration mode and run NTP configuration commands, use the ntp command in global configuration mode. ntp Syntax Description This command has no keywords or arguments. Command Default No default behavior or values. Command Mo...
As mentioned above, several commands are available within Recovery Console, quite a few of them exclusive to the tool. When used, they can do things as simple as copying a file from one place to another, or as complicated as repairing the master boot record after a major virus attack. ...
可能的值為:FirstLogonCommands 和 AutoLogon。 SshConfiguration 指定Linux OS 的 SSH 金鑰組態。 SshPublicKey 用來向Linux型VM進行驗證的SSH公鑰清單。 StatusLevelTypes 層級程序代碼。 StorageAccountTypes 指定受控磁碟的記憶體帳戶類型。 注意:UltraSSD_LRS只能與數據磁碟搭配使用,因此無法與OS磁碟搭配使用。
允許的格式為 Major.Minor.Build 或 'latest'。 主要、次要和組建是十進位數。 指定 'latest' 以在部署時間使用可用映像的最新版本。 即使您使用「最新」,即使有新版本可用,VM 映像也不會在部署時間之後自動更新。 請勿使用欄位 'version' 進行資源庫映射部署,資源庫映射應一律使用 'id' 字段進行部署,若要使用...
If, etymologically, a colonel commands a column, then a brigadier commands a brigade. The rank of brigadier general is the lowest ranking general officer in the armed forces. The same rank in the British army is simply a brigadier. Major General Definition: a commissioned officer in the ar...
Note the major differences in N, P, and Q over --full-history: N's parent list had I removed, because it is an ancestor of the other parent M. Still, N remained because it is !TREESAME. P's parent list similarly had I removed. P was then removed completely, because it had one...
Not being able to check your to-do list when you're out and about or in the store is a major pain. If your to-do list is only available when you're at your desk, it's incredibly limited. All of my choices offer free trials of some sort, so try out anything that looks useful...